Do you long to pray better? Here you will discover encouragement on everything to do with praying.
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Your Thoughts Matter to God
But, what I think is surprising, is that God responds to our thoughts. We don’t expect that. We expect and want God to listen and respond to our silent prayers, which we make in our minds. But we don’t expect that he is listening or responds to our thoughts when they are not directed specifically to him.
You Are Significant to God
Maybe your life and the future seem bleak at the moment, like a desert. Perhaps you wonder if God even cares what you’re going through. Maybe you are holding onto anything that you hope will see you through. God is reaching out for you too, with a message that he hears your cries and has a future for you.
Asking God for Assurance
Like Abram, you can say to God, “you have given me no ______________” Fill in the blank with the one thing that seems impossible in your life, where you are waiting for God to show up.
When God says “go”
Moving to another country is not easy. I can attest to that. Even when God says “go” it’s not always easy. With an airport cart piled high with suitcases and boxes and a six-week old baby, my husband and I boarded a plane from Heathrow airport with one-way tickets to Boston, Massachusetts. We left behind everyone Read more…
Seeing God’s Graciousness
The covenant also shows us God is gracious, and the rainbow is a sign of his graciousness. Every time we see a rainbow we are witnesses to God’s kindness, mercy, and grace. We are witnesses to God’s love touching earth.
What to do when you’re angry
One of the best ways to deal with our anger is to bring it to God. He knows exactly what we’re thinking and feeling, so why not be honest with him about the person who’s making your blood boil, who you feel like “murdering,” or at least walking out on or giving a piece of your mind.
Why You Can Admit You’re Wrong
When you sense God asking you the question “What is this you have done?” Remember that you do not have to hide, you can come clean because your heavenly Father will forgive and forget.
A Prayer When You Want to Hide From God
But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9).
Even though this is a hard question, you and I have the chance to understand it in hindsight, and discover a wonderful opportunity for us, if God were to ask us the same question.
A Prayer to Know You Are Free
That command “you are free…” gives us the freedom to worship God freely through respecting his boundaries.
Let’s worship God and be devoted to him. Let’s trust that we are exactly where we should be with the freedoms we have, and the restrictions we have. Let’s trust that what we have is perfectly enough.
A Prayer to Be Grateful
God who creates the beauty of a rainbow that makes us gasp in awe, the complexity of the universe that scientists are still trying to fathom, who owns and commands and rules over everything we know, says “I give you…”
A Prayer to “celebrate”
Where can you follow God’s words today when he says to you “be fruitful…”? How will you react to his instruction while keeping in mind that he has blessed you and wants to continue blessing you. How will you celebrate?
A Prayer to be Fruitful
As God’s children, we come in different shapes, sizes and varieties. Yet, when we stay close to God and grow more like Jesus, we bear his fruit. That fruit in our lives reflects his Spirit.
A Prayer for Fresh Strength
Life can often feel like we are climbing a mountain. It can be exhausting and hard work. The Bible encourages us to take frequent stops and to “wait”—to trust in God’s strength.
A Prayer for Your Wildest Dreams
Imagination shouldn’t be restrained to a six or seven-year-old. God invites us, his children, to release our minds and hearts and imagine, to ask, to dream big.
A Prayer to Know You Have All You Need
God tells us that his graciousness, kindness, and mercy is sufficient. We need nothing more. But there is more. This power of God is enough to sustain us through life, particularly when we are at our weakest—when we are frail and inadequate.
A Prayer to Know You Are Equipped
we have everything we need for whatever we face in life. We can be confident that God’s words can inform us for every step we make, everything we do, and even the direction in which we need to go.
A Prayer to Know You are Extraordinary
The Bible says we are like clay pots. We may be fragile, unsophisticated, earthy, and yet God has chosen for us to hold his extraordinary and priceless truth
A Prayer to be Filled to Overflowing
God loves to fill our lives with good things. God fills us to overflowing, whether it is with his Spirit, with joy, peace, thankfulness and more.
A Prayer to Use Your God-Given Authority
God says we have his power to destroy snakes and scorpions—all evils—that threaten to hurt us. He assures us that we can walk confidently in life, knowing we have mastery in his name. Let’s use that power well, but also to make sure we recognize the enemy.
A Prayer to Know God’s Lasting Protection
For you and me, God’s parental love, care, and protection never ends in the world in which we live. It begins the moment we are born and lasts every single day of our lives
How to Pray for a Better World
“Kingdom” is not a word we use much nowadays. Even for me, with British nationality and a history of kings and queens, it’s not a concept that I think about. But, having lived in the UK and USA, and having visited many different countries, I often imagine out loud “if only I could take the Read more…
How to Honor God
God, our Daddy Father in heaven, is the most intimate, personal, accessible companion we have. Far better than any human father we could imagine or dream of And yet at the same time, he is holy. He is set apart, different from us and all he has created. His uniqueness, holiness, and perfection is to Read more…
How to Know God More Intimately
How did you come to believe in God and Jesus, to be a child of God, knowing God as your heavenly Father? What is your story? Perhaps your story is still being worked out. Faith in God through Jesus, means we enter into a unique relationship with God the Father. That relationship invites us to be Read more…
A Prayer to be Protected
When our children were quite young, we had chickens and pet bunnies. The chickens lived in a coop and the bunnies lived under the deck in a hutch. One day, as I drove down the driveway having just picked up my children from school, I noticed the door of the coop hanging off and feathers Read more…
When Forgiving Someone is Hard
Who do you need to forgive today? Who immediately came to mind with that question? Perhaps the need for our own forgiveness is key to forgiving the people who hurt and harm us. “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12). It’s so easy to miss the little word Read more…
Ask, and Keep Asking
Making sourdough bread became a regular activity for my husband and children during the lockdown in the pandemic. I know we weren’t the only people who decided to make their bread. I’m not sure why bread-making became so popular. Perhaps it was because we had plenty of time to do things, or because it was Read more…
How to Pray for Someone Who Is in a Mess
As well as coming to Jesus with what is weighing us down and trusting that he will make our burdens lighter, there is a communal aspect of making the load easier for each other. We can ask a friend to pray for us, we can confide in a pastor, we can have small group or Read more…
A Prayer For When You’re Weighed Down
What is weighing you down today? Perhaps it is health issues. Maybe you have financial worries, a lost job. Maybe you’re just tired, mentally, physically and spiritually. The Bible talks about the weight of all these things as burdens. The word can mean to carry something heavy for a long distance. Jesus used “burden” to Read more…
Praying to Have a Heart That Understands
Discouraged and disappointed. These are the two words that could be used to describe the two men walking along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Circumstances had not turned out as they hoped. They had placed their faith in Jesus, but he had not provided what they needed or supposed. They had more of a Read more…
A Prayer to Know Truth Even When You Doubt
I feel sorry for Thomas, the disciple of Jesus, who is labeled “doubting Thomas.” He is known—all this years later—for his disbelief that Jesus had risen from the dead, instead of being recognized for his faith and the declaration he made about Jesus: “My lord and my God” (John 20:28) “My” announces a personal acceptance of Read more…
The Prayer That Means We’re Never Abandoned
On Good Friday two thousand years ago, the criminal asked—prayed—for Jesus to “remember” him before he went to sheol, the land of forgetfulness. And Jesus replied with an affirmative yes! “Today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). Then Jesus made his own prayer—not asking his Father to remember him, but asking why God had forgotten him. About three Read more…
Why Our Prayers Can Begin “Remember Me…”
I have to wonder about the words—well, they are more like a prayer—of the criminal on the cross next to Jesus. “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Luke 23:42). Remember me… And Jesus said he would, quite willingly. He offered the man so much more. But, hang on a minute. Shouldn’t the Read more…
Why Our Prayers Can Begin “If…”
If you had been here… This is the statement that both Martha and Mary make separately to Jesus when he eventually turned up at Lazarus’s graveside. Their words echo the uncertainty, confusion, and lack of understanding we should express in our prayers. The word “if.” It’s such a small word but loaded with such weight—in Read more…
The Unclaimed Gift
I read that in the USA, the total unredeemed value of gift cards purchased is estimated to be around a staggering twenty-one billion dollars. It made me think about the gift cards I have partially used or not used at all. I can think of one occasion I added to that figure of twenty-one billion Read more…
How to love yourself
The Bible has plenty of teachings about love. We are to love God with all our heart, soul and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5). We are to love our neighbor (Mark 12:33). We are to love foreigners, those who are not like ourselves, and strangers (Deuteronomy 10:19). We are even to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44)! And Read more…
The extent of God’s love for you
When I was a child, I looked forward to Valentine’s Day with great anticipation. I knew that once it got dark, Father Valentine would visit our house. Who on earth, you are probably wondering, is Father Valentine? As a child, I never knew who he was either. All I knew and loved, is that he Read more…
2 Ways to Pray for Reconciliation
Esau and Jacob had a contentious and tumultuous relationship that could rival any antagonistic relationship that we have experienced or known. Twenty years had passed since Jacob deviously robbed his brother and Esau threatened and planned to kill Jacob. Then the two men were to meet again. Tensions ran high. Esau approached with four hundred Read more…
No Relationship is Out of God’s Reach
Most of us are dealing with difficult people, whether it is family or friends. Perhaps you think that’s an understatement when you think about the relationships in your life! We all have stories of relationships with family or friends that have gone wrong. A brother or sister we haven’t heard from in years. A child Read more…
Why You Can Open Your Home to God
Most of us don’t reveal in detail to other people the struggles going on in our families. Unless we meet someone who is going through the same thing we are experiencing. Then we are willing to open up because he or she understands the heartache, pain, problems, and frustrations. God, our heavenly Father, is also one who Read more…
Praying for Your Family is Powerful
Perhaps you can instantly think of one or two of your relatives who are in desperate need of prayer. Others may not be in need but could still benefit from being brought before the Lord for his favor. Some of your family members may never have anyone pray for them unless you do.
3 Reasons Why Jesus is the Prince of Peace
Although the people of Judea may have hoped for their own leader and king of the Jews, they did live in relative peace within the Roman Empire. Yet, the announcement of the birth of Jesus came with the celebrations and fanfares of heaven because Jesus heralded a different kind of peace.
How Jesus is Our Mighty God
I wonder what people thought, thousands of years ago, when they listened to Isaiah’s words: “For to us a child is born…And he will be called…Mighty God” (Isaiah 9:6).Perhaps they thought about the power with which God had separated the Red Sea for their ancestors. When we think about the word “mighty,” it is often with fear and trepidation. And yet, Jesus our Mighty God is like none of these thoughts or images.
Knowing the Wonder of Jesus
I have never run, nor do I want to run a marathon. But from hearing and observing the experiences of friends and family who have, there are blisters, aching muscles, and exhaustion to endure along the way if one is to make it to the end. No wonder they need us and other spectators to Read more…
Light that Changes Everything
On our first Christmas, when we moved from England to New England, I discovered some of the Christmas traditions I was used to didn’t make it across the pond on the Mayflower. Or at least they have been changed over the years. Having turkey for Christmas dinner was one of them. As the traditional dish Read more…
Big-Heartedness is Always Appreciated
One year we escaped Thanksgiving. As most Americans sat down to turkey and trimmings and pumpkin pie we were somewhere between Ohio and Kansas, driving from Boston to Breckenridge. This wasn’t to avoid giving thanks for all the good things in my life. Believe me, I know I should practice being more thankful, instead of Read more…
Three Habits to Keep You Grateful
When we’re in the middle of tough times, often we can only think about the basics needed for each day or even to get through the next hour. It can be hard to give thought to being grateful when we’re simply trying to survive. But, when storms pass and we have time to look back Read more…
Remembering to be Grateful
How has God rescued you? Do you remember the significant moment when you realized God came to save you through his Son Jesus? I remember that moment when God answered my prayer. He heard my simple cry for help and he reached down and turned my life around. I am so grateful. The Bible teaches Read more…
Having Confidence in God’s Love
Daniel, who survived a night with lions, was a man determined to stay true to God and follow God, wherever that took him. Daniel was also completely confident in God’s unwavering love for him and his people. Daniel knew that God loved him and his people, even when they had turned away from God. That Read more…
God’s Love for His Children
God loves children and babies. The Almighty, Eternal God who, with his breath and words, created our intricate world and commands billions of galaxies, is goo-goo over babies and children. You could have called me a career woman before I had children. I controlled large budgets, sat in boardrooms often as the only woman around Read more…
Praise God for His Unwavering Love
Love hurts. Wherever this expression originated, we can relate to it. All of us know the pain of giving our heart to someone or something. However, it’s not the intense feeling of love that hurts but the response or the outcome of our love that causes sorrow or suffering. It may be losing someone we Read more…