How to Honor God

God, our Daddy Father in heaven, is the most intimate, personal, accessible companion we have. Far better than any human father we could imagine or dream of And

The Prayer That Means We’re Never Abandoned

On Good Friday two thousand years ago, the criminal asked—prayed—for Jesus to “remember” him before he went to sheol, the land of forgetfulness. And Jesus replied with an affirmative yes! “Today you

Why Our Prayers Can Begin “Remember Me…”

I have to wonder about the words—well, they are more like a prayer—of the criminal on the cross next to Jesus.  “Jesus, remember me when you come into

Why Our Prayers Can Begin “If…”

If you had been here… This is the statement that both Martha and Mary make separately to Jesus when he eventually turned up at Lazarus’s graveside.  Their words

No Relationship is Out of God’s Reach

Most of us are dealing with difficult people, whether it is family or friends. Perhaps you think that’s an understatement when you think about the relationships in your

Having Confidence in God’s Love

Daniel, who survived a night with lions, was a man determined to stay true to God and follow God, wherever that took him.  Daniel was also completely confident

The Simplicity of Asking God for Guidance

Think about how you ask for directions. You make it simple, straightforward, and use words that you know, especially if you’re asking in a foreign language. It is

Common Sense and God’s Guidance

When we pray for God’s guidance, we don’t just appeal to God’s promises to guide us well. We use our common sense too. Abraham had sent his trusted

God Meets Us in the Lonely Places

We can struggle to find time to pray when our days are full. Life can be busy from the moment we get up until we go to bed.

3 Steps When You’re Struggling to Trust God

God wants us to trust Him. This might be easy to do when life is going well and we see God at work but when life gets difficult