When I’ve prayed for a solution to a problem in my secular work and God has answered my prayer, I tend to keep it to myself rather than try and explain it to my

Have you found yourself paying for other people’s mistakes—dragged in and included in the negative consequences of other people’s actions, which you had nothing to do with? You’re in trouble because another person has

How do you react when an impossible demand is made of you? Do you rise to the occasion with the attitude this is not going to beat me? Or do you shrink away and

Deciding to stand up for something you believe in can often lead to opposition However, it doesn’t always have to be a rough ride. Some of it depends on us doing our best to

Often we think we need to make a stand for everything we believe in. If not, how do we look different from those around us? The problem is, challenging the whole kit and caboodle

When you start something new, do you firmly decide on a course of action? When I left home for college, I resolved to do two things: I decided to find the answers to the

If the path you’re going down looks wrong to other people, then they’ll probably tell you about it. A leader at the church my son Max attends questioned the direction he was taking. If

When a college or employer of your choice has selected you, it’s exciting. Other times, you may not be so thrilled.. When my daughter received her acceptance letter to art college I was excited

Most of us are familiar with the process for getting into college or applying for a job. Our family has been through the college process over and over again the last few years. We’ve

This post is the first in my new series, Work Elevated: Finding Spiritual Purpose in Secular Workplaces.  Learn more about the series here. Have you ever felt a conflict between your work and your