A bag of leftover Halloween candy sat in our pantry tempting me to slip in my hand and take one piece as I passed the doorway. I knew the candy wasn’t good for me.
I have been humbled by the thankfulness of my friends. I’ve shared in their Thanksgiving Day celebrations, sat as their tables and heard them express their appreciation. Even if someone has had a tough
Sometimes, I’d rather stay furious than take seriously the words in the Bible: don’t go to bed angry. I find some satisfaction in being annoyed. If I back down too easily, it’s like I’m
Why is it God often seem distant in the middle of trouble? Often, when we’re struggling, he seems silent. I remember crying out to God when my six-week-old twins were diagnosed with meningitis, when
I remember a time when I would go to pray and within a couple of minutes, I had run out of things to say. Maybe you can relate. The chaos of a weekday morning
So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews 4:16 NLT
There are many ways to pray. You may have been taught to put your hands together, bow your head, and close your eyes. Other people might say to face a certain direction, at particular
Whenever I’ve wanted to learn how to ski on harder terrain, I’ve taken a lesson. The instructor has always started me on a slope I consider to be way too easy. There he has
Sometimes God seems no closer than the Milky Way. What is it that makes God seem distant? Is it because he is holy and majestic and needs to be detached from a far from
Last week, we started our Prayer 101 series by discovering how to pray “not what I want, but what you want”. We began with asking God to reveal his good and perfect will, and for his wisdom. Today we