When God’s will is not my will

Last week, we started our Prayer 101 series by discovering how to pray “not what I want, but what you want”. We began with asking God to reveal his good and perfect

How to back down in prayer

My grandmother would often add a strange little phrase to the end of statements, especially if she talked about her plans. “We will come and visit you next

Finding a Place (Lost Girls, Pt. 7)

When Yar read a posting in the Katuma Refugee Camp about Sudanese refugees being admitted to the United States, she jumped at the opportunity to change her circumstances.

How do I pray when …???

“Teach us to pray,” Jesus’ disciples asked him. This seems a strange request from men who were undoubtedly devout in their faith. They prayed and heard prayers being said

For the mama whose nest is empty

In a few days time, my three children will be packing their bags and making their way back to college. It’s later than most students, so I’m enjoying their company

Four ways to be wise

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure. James 3:17 (NIV) We sat on roughly hewn marble slabs in the shade of a tree and

A Huge Thank You

In less than a week, YOU raised $5,000 and with gift matching we have a total of $10,000. This time last week, I didn’t know if our plan

Taking Time Out to be Quiet

Sometimes I don’t realize how noisy and hectic my life is until I have an opportunity to slow down and be quiet. This past week I have been

A Bold Plea for Help

I have been sharing the bold story of Yar for a number of weeks. Now, it’s time to give you some background into how this came about and

Believing in the Small Things

Sometimes, I doubt whether little things can really make a difference. For instance, I pray asking God to bring peace to help the innocent men, women and children