Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Joy!

I’m delighted to welcome fellow contributing author, Colette Schaffer, of Whispers of Grace to be sharing with us on the comfort we receive when turning to God our

Reduce stress by combining walking with praying

I rarely wake up, leap out of bed, throw back the shades with a “yay, morning.” Instead, I usually turn over, stretch out my hand and feel for

Being grateful when life grates

The Today show in the USA reported, a few days ago, we should be thankful; gratitude is good for our physical health. Recent studies show a long list of

Asking for Wellness

Anxiety can cause light-headedness, nausea, an upset stomach, and a need to pee—again. I’m sure like me, you’ve experienced those symptoms as you’ve sat in the doctor’s office

Why you should pray when you’re anxious

Stress. It’s a part of everyday life, isn’t it? We can’t seem to escape it. As I began to write about overcoming anxiety, I laid awake, for what