How To Beat The Giants In Your Life

We had a wild turkey in our yard one winter. I spotted it through the window from the kitchen. “How the heck did it get inside our fenced

3 Ways to Stay Strong and Trust God in the Battle

In When You Need Victory in Your Battles, we prayed to trust in God’s perfect and unlimited power to bring victory in our battles. If you missed it,

A prayer for When You Need to Trust God

Have you ever considered how much trust we put in people each day? We depend on the barista to give us the best caffeinated coffee they can make.

3 Principles to Help You Trust God

I love to ski and through this activity, I have learned a lot about trust that we can apply to our spiritual lives and trust in God.  I

When Prayer Feels Empty

If you’re wondering if God hears your prayers and you’re exhausted from trying hard in your prayer life, then you’ll value the wisdom my friend and fellow writer,

Never Give Up Praying for Those Who Are Lost

I’m sure like me, there is someone in your life you are desperately praying for because of the choices they are making or have made. Maybe it’s a

How to Pray for What You Need

Praying for what we need is like going to a bakery. There is nothing more mouth-watering than the aroma a knife releases as it cracks through the crust

When You Need to Discover a Turning Point

Are you at a turning point? When we’re hit hard, it’s usual to question God with “Why me? Why are you allowing this to happen?” We enter a

6 Ways You Can Change a Person

Do you have someone in your life whose actions or attitude you’d like to change? Because, oh boy, the way they’re behaving and the things they are saying

Stepping Out in BOLD Faith

I am thrilled to have Paula Sorrells-Beene, friend and teammate from reNEW – retreat for New England Writing, as the #BeBoldGirl this week. When God asks you to