If it snows in London, it’s like a sprinkling of wet confectioner’s sugar. Although, frozen precipitation is inevitable during the winter season, Londoners always seem completely unprepared. Sidewalks become skating rinks as commuters walk

New Year’s Eve. The cusp of two years. One is about to be left behind. The other stretches out ahead. Our reaction, as we stand at this point, can be fear and apprehension. The

As I threw my collection of used plastic bags onto the back seat of my car, with the intention to drop them off at the recycling center of my local supermarket, I vowed to

Today I am pleased to be guest posting for my friends Christa at Do A New Thing as part of her New Year, New Thing series.  The series looks at fresh approaches to old

I’m so happy to welcome author and speaker Michelle Moore to the blog today as part of the #BeBoldGirl series.  Thank you, Michelle, for encouraging us to be bold in 2016.  #BeBoldGirl!  It’s a

It takes a red Starbucks cup to remind me that I have come to enjoy “the holidays”—that festive season from Thanksgiving to New Year including Christmas and Hanukkah—here in the United States.   It’s