The extent of God’s love for you

When I was a child, I looked forward to Valentine’s Day with great anticipation. I knew that once it got dark, Father Valentine would visit our house. Who

Having Confidence in God’s Love

Daniel, who survived a night with lions, was a man determined to stay true to God and follow God, wherever that took him.  Daniel was also completely confident

God’s Love for His Children

God loves children and babies. The Almighty, Eternal God who, with his breath and words, created our intricate world and commands billions of galaxies, is goo-goo over babies

Praise God for His Universe-Sized Love

With technology such as the James Webb Telescope, scientists are discovering more about the universe than ever before. The telescope is giving images of star formation taking place

We must love each other

I’m sure your family is just like mine. We can be kindhearted to each other and get along, but we can also be inconsiderate and fall out. We

When Prayer is a Love Language

Welcome to my guest, Lisa Appelo, who is reminding us that prayer is more than a discipline. Lisa shows us that prayer is part of the love relationship

Why We Need To Pray For Difficult Relationships

When we’ve been hurt by another person and it’s not fixed, what do we do? When they neither seem to notice what they have done wrong, nor care

How I’ve learned to love

Believe me I have wished, and not just as a child, an annoying sibling would be spirited away to Timbuktu. Or that person sniffing and coughing next to