This August we’re using everyday objects and surroundings to remind us to pray in specific ways. Each week we have a different focus. Week 1 we turned our attention to the natural world and use it as a reminder to praise God. Week 2 we focused on how much we have been forgiven by God through Jesus. Week 3 we centered on being thankful to God. Week 4 we’re letting everyday tasks direct our thoughts to have much we have been forgiven.
When you do the following tasks, let them be a reminder — a trigger — to thank God for forgiving your wrongdoing.
Using Perfume

When you spray on perfume in the morning or before you go out in the evening, think about how Jesus gave his life so you could have yours.
Use these words:
Your name, Jesus, is like perfume poured out. Your name, Jesus, is as pleasing as the fragrance of perfumes. Thank you for giving your life so I might ________________________.
(Based on Song of Songs 1:3)
Brushing Your Hair

When you brush or comb your hair, think about how much God loves you and has forgiven you. No matter what you have done, you can be confident and unashamed.
Use these words:
God, you lift high my head when I bow low in shame about ___________. You crown my head with blessings when I have _____________________.
(Based on Psalm 3:3 TPT and Proverbs 10:6 NIV)
Washing Your Hands

When you wash your hands or put on hand cream, think about how God has given you a clean heart that enables you to come into his presence.
Use these words:
I can ascend into the presence of the Lord. I have the privilege of entering into God’s Holy Place because my hands have been washed and my heart has been made pure from __________________.
(Based on Psalm 24:3-4 TPT and VOICE)
Taking Care of Your Feet

When you have a pedicure, paint your nails, or simply slip-on shoes or sandals, be reminded of how Jesus has released you from many things holding you captive in life.
Use these words:
Lord God, My eyes are ever on you for you have released my feet from the trap of ___________________ that has kept me captive.
(Based on Psalm 25:15 NIV)