This August we’re using everyday objects and surroundings to remind us to pray in specific ways. Each week we have a different focus. Week 1 we turned our attention to the natural world and used it as a reminder to praise God. Week 2 we focused on how much we have been forgiven by God through Jesus. Week 3 we are centering on being thankful to God.
Being thankful should be a daily activity. Science says gratitude is good for our health. Health experts say giving thanks can make us happier. The Bible says thanking God because He is good, is the way we should live.
Loaf of Bread

When you pick up a loaf of fresh bread, enjoy the smell from a bakery, butter a piece of toast, let it be a reminder to be thankful for Jesus.
God, I thank you for your Son Jesus who said, “I am the bread of life. I thank you because I will never be spiritually hungry. I come to you today asking you to __________________________. Thank you for satisfying my soul and never leaving me empty.
(Based on John 6:35 NLT)
Fire Pit or Camp Fire

When you stand around a campfire or fire pit in your backyard, be thankful for the fire of the Holy Spirit within you who gives you comfort and hope.
God, fill me with joy and peace as I trust in you for _________________. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that gives me the power to overflow with hope when life feels hopeless because of ______________________.
(Based on Romans 15:13 NIV)

Gates are often very beautiful — wooden gates, metal gates of a palace, stone gateways into historic cities, even the gate of a white picket fence. When you see a gate, thank God you are able to enter through the gates that brings you into his royal household and his presence.
God, I will enter your gates with thanksgiving and your courts with praise. I give thanks to you for _______________________ and praise your name that I can come into your presence.
(Based on Psalm 100:4 NIV)
Musical Instrument

When you hear a piano being played, the sound of a violin or a band thumping out a song, center your thoughts on God and how he is as firm as a rock, faithful, and dependable.
My heart, O God, is steadfast because you are rock steady in the middle of ___________________; I will sing and make music to you.
(Based on Psalm 57:7 NIV)