I recently returned from the New England Christian Writers Retreat feeling refreshed and reinvigorated. We received inspiring messages and practical teaching from wonderful faculty: Lucinda Seacrest McDowell, Lauren Yarger and Tessa Afshar, and other

Join me for a seminar on Living With Confidence Outside Your Comfort Zone on October 11th, 2014 at Iron Sharpens Iron in Worcester, MA. The seminar is for teenage and college-age gals, although the

  The New England Evangelical Women Speakers Directory 2014-15 has been published. Read my story Across the Pond published in the 2014 Summer Sampler of by design ministries. Here is a snippet: Our plans were coming together. After

I curl my toes in the warm sand as the waves gently swish on the shoreline. Sweat trickles in rivulets down my back as the hot sun beats upon my head. I fumble with