Today, we welcome Susan Mead to the blog to share how she has learned to boldly trust God.  #BeBoldGirl

Have you ever wanted something – really wanted – yet you weren’t sure how to get it – or if you could? You knew it’d be a gift and trust was your first step?

Yea, me too. And the hardest part of this story is it isn’t something money can purchase. Do you identify with that? Or are you wondering what someone can so passionately yearn for that money cannot buy?

Great question – So here I go.

Peace. Yes, I long for the peace of God to be present in each and every moment of my life, guiding and guarding every step and decision.

Do you want that in your life too?

We all experience a life full of unsettling events and moments that define who we are and who we become.


The toddler cracking her head open and blood gushes

pushing your peace out the door
as your knees buckle and you hit the floor,
stooping, scooping and careening to the ER
Thank God, I’ve got this car.
And you hear Trust Me…

The little one playing soccer chases the ball into the street

as a jeep speeds towards her
and your heart drops
as you wail STOP!
And you hear Trust Me…

The teenager is way past his curfew

your mind sees scenes that ought not be.
anger meets relief as the garage door raises.
“Oh praise God” and “you’ve done it now”
both rush through your head.
Wow! Dread and thankful praise mingle
as you envisioned a massive mangle.
And you hear Trust Me…

The college-aged kiddo goes who knows where…

Oh momma, don’t go there!
And you hear Trust Me…

You’ve raised your child(ren) the best you knew how with what you had at the time.

Trust Me.


God whispers, “Trust me.”

Oh, thank You, Lord. And He sends me into His Holy Word for confirmation that I CAN trust Him with my children. Oh my, whose children? Technically, His. So am I. HIS daughter. Sometimes it takes a moment or two to remember the details of my identity. You too?

And the words God sends me to are in Isaiah. Chapter 49, verses 24-25 – one of my very favorite verses in the Bible.

24 Can plunder be taken from warriors,
or captives be rescued from the fierce?
25 But this is what the Lord says:
“Yes, captives will be taken from warriors,
and plunder retrieved from the fierce;
I will contend with those who contend with you,
and your children I will save.
Isaiah 49:24-25 (NIV)

Did you see that? And your children I will save!

God’s Word is sent for a purpose and will not return void. That means He’s gotta save our children!

The peace of God falls. Exquisite, heavenly peace prevails. Thank You, Father God.

Oh, by the way, God, my father is sick…

“Trust Me,” God, my Heavenly Father, whispers again and peace descends…

Can you purchase peace or peace of mind?
Oh, Lord, You’re so very kind
To bestow – this I know – Your precious peace.

Wrap your arms around me
Let no harm meet or defeat me
For Your peace prevails.

Thank You, Father God.

Go boldly where God guides you
Get whatever He shows you
It’s a gift straight from God.

Thank You, Father. I delight in unwrapping Your good gifts each and every day. Oh, yea, now I know why You call it the Present. And when I unwrap the present, I find TRUST.

I choose to trust You, today, tomorrow and eternally. (I’m so thankful You’ll remind me I said that, God!)

Susan B Mead Headshot
Susan B. Mead, author, survivor, and an individual who has dealt with multiple losses, is an empathetic, powerful, sought-after speaker with real answers to life’s tough questions. Her goal? Bring calm into the chaos of life. FYI-Susan spells calm J.E.S.U.S. Susan is a Senior Ordained Chaplain, Certified by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, for individuals and groups suffering trauma. Susan’s best-selling book Dance with Jesus: From Grief to Grace, is available on Amazon.

Susan tweets @SusanBMead, posts scripture graphics daily on Facebook and Instagram and hosts the DanceWithJesus blog linkup each Friday at Get connected!

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Linking up with Holly Barrett at #TestimonyTuesday

  • Your post reminded me of, ” He is our peace. ” Ephesians 2:14, We weren’t intended to always think the worst and we don’t have to if we hold onto Him.

  • “Sometimes it takes a moment or two to remember the details of my identity. You too?” Yep!

    So often it is a whisper though, and it’s hard to hear it with all the surrounding noise. But I think that as we learn to make that choice to trust God and listen for His voice it becomes easier to hear Him, and, ideally, follow Him.

  • I feel like you know what you’re talking about, Susan. You come from those places in life where we want to pull away from God instead of trust Him. If we haven’t walked through the valley of death and loss like you, our words might ring hollow or self-righteous. But yours? Pure encouragement and inspiration! Yes, I will trust Him more today than yesterday. Thank you for this post and thanks to Rachel for sharing and highlighting your words!

  • My first reaction is not always to instantly trust and have peace. But, as I settle down and look to God, that peace that transcends all understand forms. It is a wonderful thing which frees us from the fears and anxieties of this world.

    Blessings, Joan

  • Yup, this is definitely the tough challenge of the faith-walk because it feels so out of control. Thanks for laying it out in such plain talk for us today!

  • Beautiful Susan! I love the reminder that God will save our children! My blog this week is about letting go of our children (and the ache)..but how we need to trust in God that He has them covered in his grace and love!! Each stage of parenting we will have trials as you so illustrate..and each step God is with us..Emmanuel! And with our children! thanks for the encouragement as I struggle with my teen starting to drive now..always something!!!

    • Kathy, yes, struggle with a teen driving – good word choices there, as its so true for so many of us! Isn’t it a wonderful confirmation when we see others writing on the same or similar topics? Love how God drops His guidance right when we need it. Susan

  • Susan – this is wonderful! So hard sometimes to trust, especially with our children. I’ve heard that whisper, too, in some of my most challenging moments – and it’s so true. Praises that we have such a loving, faithful God who we can trust – and who is patient enough to keep reminding us to just trust Him.

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