I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2

Our flight landed around midday. As we left the airport, I could see the Rocky Mountains in the distance.

I’m always in awe of that initial view as we drive towards them. They rise suddenly, distinct and dramatic against the flat, brown, monotonous plains around Denver.

Usually we’ve been to Breckenridge, Colorado in the winter. My husband, three children and myself like to take advantage of fresh powder and skiing. This was our first time out west in the summer.

For the ancient people of God, the mountains reminded them of God’s strength and protection

We drove to Boulder for the afternoon and then began the climb on winding roads between rugged rock faces. Often, as we turned a bend, we noticed cars, seemingly abandoned, on the side of the road. But then, as we peered upwards through the window, we’d spy a small body high above us clinging to the rock.

We passed cows grazing in lush alpine meadows. Then, incongruent with the landscape, a town called Black Hawk. Casino after casino lined the well-paved streets.

Soon we made the real ascent to the Eisenhower Tunnel. The car’s engine screamed as it sucked in the little oxygen it could find, and battled against the steep road. Into the long dark tunnel, out the other side, and suddenly we were into sunlight again. The road swept down in front of us, mile after mile of curving highway. The mountains stretched out all around us. It was like we’d entered through the wardrobe and into another world.

The next day we took the cable car to spend a day hiking. Normally, we’d be wearing clumpy boots and carrying skis, shuffling and negotiating the moving doorway of the car as it slid slowly round on the cables. This time, we hopped in with only Camelbaks holding water.

Rough peaks rose above us. Snow nestled in the dips, even though it was August. We started our steep climb, aiming to make our way to the warming hut sitting above one of the bowls.

Soon, we left other hikers behind and we were alone. Breckenridge looked like a toy model in the distance.

Our only company, a strong breeze rustling the pine trees, and delicate alpine flowers in brilliant purples, reds and yellows enjoying the summer sun. The clouds seemed bigger and bolder at altitude. They made dramatic shadows on the slopes as they rolled overhead.

I felt small in this daunting environment, especially as thunderstorms, with dangerous lightening, often threaten in the afternoon.

Mountains made deep impressions on people during biblical times, too. The Bible talks about the mountains as a place of harvest, of refuge, and where people expected to meet God.

For the ancient people of God, the mountains reminded them of God’s strength and protection.

It can be the same for us, and the remainder of Psalm 121 goes onto tell us of God’s promised safekeeping.


Psalm 121:3-8 NLT


From the reading above, write down all the ways that God promises to protect you.


Have you been questioning God’s protection for your life?

In what one way do you need to start trusting his protection?




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This week, I am linking up with Amy Schlichter at #LookingUp. #FaithFilledFriday, Susan Mead at #DanceWithJesus, Tayrina Gonzalez at #WordsofComfort, Holly Gerth at #CoffeeformyHeart, Rosilind Jukic at #ALittleR&R, Natalie Venegas at Salt & Light, Susan B. Mead at #DanceWithJesus, Arabah Joy at Grace & Truth, Kelly Balarie at #RaRaLinkup, with Holley Gerth at #CoffeeForYourHeart

Thanks to Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible and Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words for their explanation of mountains in the Bible.

Photos: Phoebe Britton
  • What breath-taking scenery you have captured here. Lately the Lord has been speaking to my heart about immovable mountains and how they are minuscule to Him. The God we serve is mighty and good! Making the impossible possible. Thank you for sharing at Salt & Light Linkup!

  • I love when we get to travel along with you.
    This area of Maine is surrounded by hills, and I love the reminder that Psalm 121 gives me to lift my eyes beyond them for my help.

  • Beautiful photos! They look like my Canadian Rocky Mountains as we often explore (via jeep) our majestic mountains here in southern BC, Canada.

    Thank you for the wonderful description of your story (I felt like I was with you except I wasn’t panting with exertion, lol) and the way you weave Scripture into everyday life.

    Visiting you from Salt & Light Link Up.

  • Hi Rachel, I always enjoy hearing about your travels. I know I am protected but I have had some things to overcome this past month, He has been faithful. I have a powerful testimony on my blog, a friend asked me to post it, she was home alone when a burglar broke in, because she had prayed and anointed her house wilth oil, he miraculously left. Enjoy your trip, the photos are lovely, a nest place to rest in faith.

  • I love the way that you weave the pictures of your experience with God-awareness. Although I am living in Australia at the moment, my home is in Calgary, Alberta – right next to the Canadian Rockies. I miss them. Whenever I am in the mountains, I have such a strong sense of God’s majesty and power – and I can’t help but worship Him with a sense of awe and wonder.

  • I love the point you made about Jesus coming as a helpless baby. It does make God so approachable. The scary barrier between us and God is gone because of Jesus. We’re safe in his presence! Visiting from Susan’s.

  • Rachel, how majestic! Thank you for describing this trip and for showing the beauty of His place in the mountains. Restore…just like Jesus did.

  • The view from the mountain top is beautiful. I once went skiing in Breckenridge, and attended a conference at Glen Eyrie shortly after I accepted Christ in a Navigator Bible study. (I think we were supposed to go to Keystone, and ended up going to Breckenridge. I went straight to the top of the mountain for my first time skiing. I never learned a sport so fast and so fun! It was exhilarating!)

    • Wow. Rolfe, that’s certainly one way to learn how to ski. I hope you had a chance to appreciate the view from the top before you pointed your skis down the mountain. Colorado must be a special place for you. I have not heard of Glen Eyrie but I’ve just googled it and discovered it’s an English Tutor-style castle. How fascinating.

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