Create A Prayer Habit

A prayer for safekeeping

Tim Keller writes that “there is no situation or emotion a human being can experience that is not reflected somewhere in the Psalms.” “Immersing ourselves in the Psalms and turning them into prayers helps us pray in accord with God’s character and will.”

Here is today’s prayer prompt based on Psalm 18 (CEV):

I love you, Lord God. You keep me safe.

You are the mighty rock that gives me a strong foundation when my world is shaking because of _________________.

You are my fortress and my protector. The place where I am safe from ________________.. 

You are my shield and my place of shelter when _______________________.

I praise you, Lord!

I pray and you rescue me.

When I am in trouble I call out to you, and from your sanctuary you hear me and answer my prayer.

You open the heavens like curtains.

You reach down from heaven, and you lift me up from _______________.

You defend me from _________________.

You free and rescue me with your love from _______________________.

I praise your name.


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