Create A Prayer Habit

Tim Keller writes that “there is no situation or emotion a human being can experience that is not reflected somewhere in the Psalms.” “Immersing ourselves in the Psalms and turning them into prayers helps us pray in accord with God’s character and will.”

A prayer for when you being accused

I am innocent, Lord!

Won’t you listen as I pray and beg for help with _______________?

I am honest!

Please hear my prayer regarding_____________________.

Only you can say that I am innocent, because only your eyes can see the truth.

You know my heart, and even during the night you have tested me and found me blameless.

I have made up my mind never to lie about ______________.

I want to obey your teachings.

I want to follow you and live with integrity.

I pray to you, God, because you will help me.

Listen and answer my prayer!

Paraphrased from Psalm 17 (CEV)

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