Create A Prayer Habit

Here is today’s prayer prompt:

The person of Jesus Christ is altogether powerful to change our lives in every aspect. But, how often do we focus on the richness of who Jesus is for us? 

As we center on an aspect of our Savior, the prayer below will lead you to celebrate who you are in Jesus and help you become more Christ-like in your day-to-day living. 

He will care for you as a shepherd tends his flock, gathering the weak lambs and taking them in his arms. He carries them close to his heart and gently leads those that have young. Isaiah 40:11 TPT

Father, thank you for your Son, Jesus, who carries me when I am weak and feeble. Thank you for the gentle leadership Jesus shows me. Thank you for the promise to take me in your arms and hold me close to your heart. Amen

Father, would you pick me up and carry me now because I am weak from ______________. I want to feel your warmth and be reassured by the beat of your heart because _________________.

Ask God to show you one way you can care for someone else today, just like Christ cares for you.

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