Create A Prayer Habit

Here is today’s prayer prompt:

God sent his only Son to die for you. You are valuable to God but how often do you struggle in knowing your worth? God reminds us, through his word, in many different ways of our importance and value to him. These prayers are to help you know you are priceless not worthless.

Read this scripture:

And the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Matthew 10:30 TPT

Do you struggle to believe God cares intimately about you?:

Heavenly Father, I have a hard time believing ____________________ because_____________________.

Ask God to forgive your unbelief:

Father, I am sorry __________________________________.

Thank God that he cares not only about the minor details of your life, like a hair falling to the ground, but major circumstances too.

Father, thank you for ___________________________. 

If the loss of one hair of your head is known by God, then bigger and much more important matters are in his hands. Ask God, through his Holy Spirit, to help you see and  know how much he cares for you and what is happening in your life.

Lord God, with the help of the Holy Spirit, show me ________________________________________________. 

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