Create A Prayer Habit

We know the importance and value of prayer. As James 5:16 (NIRV) says:  The prayer of a godly person is powerful. Things happen because of it.

Sometimes, though, we need a little help to find a routine and pray consistently — to make prayer a habit. I want to help you get intentional in your prayer life.

Each day I will provide you with an opportunity to practice prayer — to help you pray naturally. These will be simple, biblically-based prayer prompts with fill-in-the-blanks that you can personalize for yourself and your life.

Here is today’s prayer prompt:

The person of Jesus Christ is altogether powerful to change our lives in every aspect. But, how often do we focus on the richness of who Jesus is for us? 

As we center on an aspect of our Savior each day, the prayer below will lead you to celebrate who you are in Jesus and help you become more Christ-like in your day-to-day living. 

God, my shepherd! I don’t need a thing. You have bedded me down in lush meadows, you find me quiet pools to drink from. True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction. Psalm 23:3 MSG

Start with:
Father, I thank you for caring for me and guiding me. You are concerned for my safety and my well-being. Thank you for protecting me from danger. Thank you for providing for all my needs. Thank you for intimately knowing my needs. I can rest in your presence.

Father, I need rest from ______________. Help me to remember you have got me covered particularly  _________________.

Ask God to show you one way you can rest instead of being stressed today.

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