“Kingdom” is not a word we use much nowadays. Even for me, with British nationality and a history of kings and queens, it’s not a concept that I think about. But, having lived in

As well as coming to Jesus with what is weighing us down and trusting that he will make our burdens lighter, there is a communal aspect of making the load easier for each other.

Discouraged and disappointed. These are the two words that could be used to describe the two men walking along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Circumstances had not turned out as they hoped. They

I feel sorry for Thomas, the disciple of Jesus, who is labeled “doubting Thomas.” He is known—all this years later—for his disbelief that Jesus had risen from the dead, instead of being recognized for

On Good Friday two thousand years ago, the criminal asked—prayed—for Jesus to “remember” him before he went to sheol, the land of forgetfulness. And Jesus replied with an affirmative yes! “Today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke

I have to wonder about the words—well, they are more like a prayer—of the criminal on the cross next to Jesus.  “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Luke 23:42). Remember me…

One summer in my early twenties and in between jobs, I worked as a sailing instructor at a center that gave inner-city children from London an opportunity to experience fresh air and the sea

Even though I grew up on a farm, I do not have much experience with farm animals. I know more about wheat, barley, sugar beet than I do sheep, cows, goats. Don’t take me

Sometimes we’d rather stay with what we know best and where we feel safest instead of stepping out into the unknown and experiencing God’s transforming power at work in our lives. But a lakeside

Sometimes we may find it hard to pray. It can feel like a barrier, a brick wall, exists between us and God. Yet, on my trip to Israel, I found a wall to be