I am delighted to welcome Halle Van Vark to the BeBoldGirl series. She joins us with her #BeBoldGirl story and challenges us to follow where God leads, even when it doesn’t fit into our own

If the path you’re going down looks wrong to other people, then they’ll probably tell you about it. A leader at the church my son Max attends questioned the direction he was taking. If

A mamma is allowed to be a little apprehensive leaving her child at college in a different country, isn’t she? That’s how I felt a week or so ago when I boarded a plane

I am pleased to introduce Sabra Gilbert as part of the #BeBoldGirl series.  I love her fresh story of boldly stepping up when she felt unprepared.  Welcome, Sabra! #BeBoldGirl Hello Everyone! I’m Sabra from Becoming

A girlfriend back home posts a photo on Facebook of the girls’ night out. Normally, you would be linked arms and smiling along with them. Or, you get a call from your mom telling you