Do you often feel like you’re playing catch up—with your sleep, eating well, exercising regularly, laundry, and many other aspects of everyday life? With my constant traveling, I know I do.

Often we can feel this way about our spiritual lives, too. We fall behind in the time we spend on feeding and nurturing our souls. We don’t spend as much time in God’s Word as we’d like, and we don’t have room for prayer.

We can pray anywhere and at anytime, but this doesn’t seem to make it any easier to be consistent in prayer. We get distracted too easily. We fall asleep, even.

We may manage a regular, if a somewhat short, prayer time for a while, and then inevitably, our “routine” gets disrupted.

Maybe you have an especially busy week, or it’s school vacation and the kids are home, or you’re in a season of travel like me…then your prayer practice seems to disappear altogether.

Sometimes we think a sacred space can only be in a church, or someplace our experience deems as "holy". However, any place we go to repeatedly becomes sacred, because God is the

The challenge is getting back into your routine once things return to normal. Then, the cycle of an up and down prayer life begins again.

How do we stop this happening?

My personal prayer time will wax and wane like the moon, unless I have a sacred spot to pray.

A sacred space makes it different. Our communion with God becomes easier.

Sometimes we think a sacred space can only be in a church, or someplace our experience deems as “holy”.  However, any place we go to repeatedly becomes sacred, because God is there.

A friend of mine has a prayer chair. What a great idea, to have a spot within your home.

Susanna Wesley, mother of the great preacher John Wesley, found her sacred space by hiding behind her apron, throwing it over her head when she needed to spend time with God.

I used to retreat to the running track in our town, until we moved.

Jesus climbed a mountain.

When we can get away from it all, we are more intentional. It makes prayer easier. It allows us to develop a habit.

As my foot hit the track, I couldn’t but help start praying because I was used to talking with my heavenly Father in that place.

It was like God was there, waiting for me to show up. He was there.

It’s more than finding a routine; it’s because our sacred space makes space for an opportunity—to be changed.

God will meet you there and change your heart. In the private time, on that sacred turf, God does his work.

This week, find your zone to pray in. Perhaps it’s a secluded path through the woods, a rocking chair on the porch, a park in the city, a corner of your room—a setting where you can get close to God and he can get close to you.

Make this space your special go to place.

Find a sacred place to be with the One who is sacred.

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Linking up with Crystal Storms at #HeartEncouragement, Susan Mead at #DanceWithJesus, Holley Gerth at #CoffeeForYourHeart and Arabah Joy at #GraceandTruth.

  • This was such a needed reminder today, Rachel…to keep going to that place that He is. I know it, this truth, just like you mentioned we all really do, but it is the habit of making the ordinary extraordinary by spending time there with God.
    I am a runner and counting steps with Jesus has long been that sacred getaway that helped me deal with life all around me. It was enough to just get out and move and let my mind wander and ultimately my prayers be focused and less about me and more about the things He was laying on my heart.
    Loved this!

  • Rachel, this is so good! I have a chair in my office and I go to bed looking forward to meeting God there in the morning. There’s nothing special about it, but it is my secret place and space. Thank you for faithfully and practically encouraging us in our prayer life! Blessings! Shauna

  • I even put a board on Pinterest, we all need that prayer closet or secret place. It can be inside or outside or that secret place in our mind and heart. Sometimes, during the day, I have to zone out into prayer, I doubt if anyone notice. I also think your bedroom should be a sanctuary of solace and rest. It is a place of marital intimacy and should be one of spiritual intimacy as well. I found praying at my mother’s bedside powerful, I can pray in my room, but hers really is a secret place. She must really have a powerful prayer life.

  • Rachel,I love the fact that God and I have a special place in my home where I love to commune with God It allows me to really focus on not only what is in my heart but I seek to hear from Him as well. There is nothing more rewarding than hearing from God and being willing to obey His will. I love reading your thoughts on prayer. May we always make prayer a priority in our lives. Have a wonderful weekend Rachel and may God continue to richly bless you and yours.

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