The challenge is how do we live confident and calm in the uncertain and turbulent world we face right now?
In other words, how are we not overcome with fear? How does this crisis not paralyze us even when we are confined to our homes? Instead, how do we be like the tree described in Jeremiah 17:8 that does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit?
We find our answer in the words of the previous verse: trust in the Lord and have confidence in him. Then we will remain strong, calm and helpful to others.
Having a calm trust in God during a crisis so we are not worried, not afraid and unflappable is not easy. It is a challenge, especially today.
So what does trust in the Lord and confidence in him look like during a self-isolating and social-distancing, frequent hand-washing day when we’re watching for signs of COVID-19?
Trusting God means we must: Hold onto God’s Word and his promises.
That person delights in the law of the Lord, and meditates on his law day and night. In other words, chew on Scripture day and night, says The Message.
Find a simple way to read and ponder God’s promises to you. Keep a devotional, Bible or your phone by your bed. When you wake in the night and start worrying, don’t reach to read the latest news briefing, or to text a friend or family member on a different time zone. Instead, turn to God’s Word for comfort. When you wake in the morning, making reading a portion of God’s Word or a make Creating a Prayer Habit, the first thing you do.
In a time of stress and strain, we need to weave God’s Word into our day at every opportunity we can. Getting God’s truth into our minds will help us recall those words when we need them at a moment’s notice for comfort.
Use the verses below to meditate on God’s promises of protection.
Which of these promises give you the most confidence?
How will you make a commitment to read, listen, and think about God’s words in the Bible over the coming months?