How to Be Strong When You Need It

When a crisis hits we want to be mentally and emotionally strong.

I received an email from my friend giving details about her neighbor who had cancer. The cancer had been misdiagnosed and now nothing could be done — the weight loss, commode and hospital bed arriving at her home across the road — was not what I wanted to read. I had my own concerns to deal with as I was being called back for a follow-up mammogram. My friend was anxious for her neighbor, but I was tense too.

I should know better. Faith in Jesus gives me a hope and a future, and spiritual strength. This should permeate my mental and emotional state. But, I’m still human and anxiousness is a reality.

So, how do we combat our fear?

We are to trust God with what is happening in our lives. This simple instruction is often hard to get into our heads and our hearts.

I’m sure like me, you want God’s supernatural strength to bear what you’re going through and to accept whatever lies ahead.

But, I’m learning that to be dependent on God and the strength he provides calls for humility. That’s a surprise isn’t it? My friend’s email made me think. So often I want to draw on God’s strength so I can be independent in facing struggles.

We’re told to give our anxiety onto God. But, we’re also told to be humble. (1 Peter 5:6-7)

Yet, we tell ourselves to be strong to get through what we’re facing. We wait until we’re robust enough to tell people what’s going on so we don’t fall apart. We build ourselves up to walk into the doctor’s office alone.

But, when we try and stand we’re not allowing God to carry us. Being carried, like we carry a small child, means having no ability of our own. It means being weak and vulnerable. Being powerless is not attractive or applauded in our society. But, God says when we are feeble we experience his strength powerfully.

If I want to use my own strength it should be in giving everything to God — my fears, worries, unsettling circumstances and my pride. Using my own strength or taking God’s strength to stand on my own two feet is pride.

Mental and emotional strength comes from letting go and letting God.


I come humbly before you God realizing
I have not trusted you with the circumstances of my life.
I have been asking for your supernatural strength
so I can stand on my own two feet.

Forgive me for my ignorance.
Of course, I want you to carry my weakness.
I want to know the sturdiness of your arms around me.
I want to sense your laboring breath
as you take the weight of my struggle.
Then I will know you more intimately
and I will receive your peace.

I receive power when I yield to you,
and that’s where the paradox begins.
I yield to you.
Help me start today to relax into you;
to let you pick me up and strengthen me
because you care for me and I can trust you.

  • I really needed this. I’ve been struggling with the death of my son (passed away November 13, 2017) and I’m trying so hard to be strong but you reminded me, once again, that I don’t need to be; I can’t. Lord I give it over to you…I can’t do this alone.

    • Thank you Rachel for this!! Wow how God spoke to me! Sometimes I don’t even know I’m not truly “resting” in Him. I think “I” need to plugged forward or “I” need to see what “I” can do in a situation. I, I, I when it needs to be Him, Him, Him. The last few months He’s been showing me exactly what you wrote about. Really what it means to trust in Him and allow Him yo do what only He can do! I find that sometimes this is harder because it takes more trust and sometimes my first reaction is for “me” to “do” something rather than rest in Him. I’m learning! It’s amazing once I got through the first few circumstances and the anxious need to do something. The anxiousness went away and the “rest” with my eyes on Him was amazing!!! Thank Father for speaking through this writing to me today!!

      • Carol, I’m soooo sorry for your loss! My heart breaks with yours as I also loss my son almost 13 years ago. It’s my nature sometimes to be strong but really to be strong is to be weak. Not as the world sees weak but as He sees weak. Weak is totally relying on Him. I’ve had to learn how to do that His way and not my way. I’m sending you a great big hug!! I pray that our Heavenly Father comfort you as I know He is.

        • Thank you Susan. I need that hug – that placed a smile on my face. This week is more difficult than others. I have decided to officially start counseling this week. Yes, God is continuing to comfort and strengthen me through wonderful folks like you and Rachel. I’m so grateful. Thank you Lord.

  • We do not want God to carry us. Powerful words, Rachel. I was forced to have Him carry me the past few days while in the hospital. Sometimes we need to be reminded of our helplessness without Him. Thank you for sharing these poignant thoughts. Have a fantastic weekend and Godspeed. Blessings to you and yours.

  • Thank your for this Rachel. Thank you for reminding me that wanting strength so that I can stand on my own is pride. I also appreciate your reference to 1 Peter 5:7, I went to read it because this year, one my memory verses is 1 Peter 5:10

    “But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.”

    I didn’t realize context wise it was directly after the “casting verse” and the warning to “be vigilant” against the schemes of the enemy. Casting our cares is also keeping the pride away so that God will strengthen us.

    I appreciate this lesson today.

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