Believe me I have wished, and not just as a child, an annoying sibling would be spirited away to Timbuktu. Or that person sniffing and coughing next to me on the train were in outer space instead of contaminating my space.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, it is said. It’s true we would like that person much better if they were far away.

Yet, I want to suggest a different meaning for this familiar saying, and that is:

Long distance lets us rethink how we love.

Being apart stirs us to reflect on who and what we love. Remoteness causes us to ruminate on the amount we love.

I flew into Heathrow airport a week ago to spend a few days in central London. This is my old stomping ground and I stomped happily every moment of my time there—enjoying the noise, the busyness, the job prospects, art exhibitions, top-notch restaurants, and late nights with friends in a lively town.

My fondness has not dwindled. I don’t miss the traffic congestion or being squashed on the tube like a sardine, but I appreciate the rich history, endless variety and cultural diversity this capital city has to offer.

But, it’s the people I have come to treasure the most. Last week, I met up with two of my nieces. I walked in Hyde Park with my sister. We drank coffee in a West End cafe and chatted over lunch. We educated ourselves about Churchill at the Science Museum. I caught up with friends over dinner in the shadow of the Shard. Delicious food paled in significance to delightful company. I hugged my godson and listened intently to his ski trip escapades and employment experience in the city.

If it sounds blissful; it was.

From the other side of the pond I’m finally learning to love. Distance has been a good teacher.

From afar I now know:

Live love not aloof

It’s worth attempting to get along even if we don’t see eye to eye. Does it mean we always manage it? No, not at all. But, making the effort to love is better than no effort at all. Giving love is more important than withholding love.

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.  Romans 12:18 (ESV)

Live love looking forward and not looking back.

Don’t think back with regret to what you should have done. Don’t dwell on the mistakes you made; look forward to blessing ahead. Don’t wait for absence—whether it is temporary or permanent—to be the time for remorse for what you could have done.

But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. Philippians 3:13 (ESV)

Put love into practice where pride often prevents.

Be the first to make that phone call. Put aside the rift and aim to do better next time to restore relations. Protect yourself from pain but always be open to improvement. And always appreciate the effort the other person has made.

Ask: If I was the other person, how would I like to be treated in this situation? Then behave in that way to others. Or: What would we enjoy doing together? Then meet in the middle.

Let each of you look not only to to his own interests, but also to the interest of others. Philippians 2:4 (ESV)

We all have relationships in our lives where we need to put love into practice—it never fails; it always wins.  How will you learn to love today?

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Linking up with Suzie Eller at #liveFree, Missional Women for #FaithFilledFriday, Susan Mead at #DanceWithJesus, Christy Mobley at #RaRaLinkup, Holly Barrett at #TestimonyTuesday and Holley Gerth at #CoffeeForYourHeart

  • My daughter so wants to visit London! What an adventure and wonderful time it sounds like you had!
    These are some great words of encouragement. “Don’t dwell on the mistakes you made; look forward to blessing ahead”
    There are times I can dwell over past words, rethinking, rehashing and reconstructing better ways I could have put them together. But it’s like you say, we must move on not dwell on the mistakes but moving forward to blessing others! Thank you for these words! (Stopping by from Holley’s place)

    • Well, I wish I could take your daughter to London and show her the sights. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. We are so good at beating ourselves us, aren’t we? Thankfully, God is much more forgiving and gives us a chance to move on.

  • Love this Rachel..I’ve lived far from my family for most of my adult life,.
    .but when I found Jesus.. the emotional distance diminished with the love and
    forgiveness that took over my heart.Beautiful use of scripture here,
    and just lovely! Visiting from #rarlinkup today!

  • Yes, sometimes I don’t realize I’ve missed someone until I’m with them again. Such wisdom you bring in this post. Thank you for sharing with #RaRaLinkUp today.
    Blessings, Christy

  • Wonderful reminders about love. I especially liked “put love into practice where pride often prevents.” So important to do if I want to truly be like Jesus.

  • I love what you say about long distance- so true! My hubby and I started dated long distance, and it was a sweet time of talking via phone and in writing

  • Rachel. What a powerful voice you used today. LOVE. In its truest sense. Looking forward to the joy versus back with regrets. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Hugs. Susan

  • I especially loved your section on “Love looking forward.” It can be so easy to look back with regret or sadness, but to recognize that today is a new day to start over with love. That’s hope! Thanks for sharing a great article with us.

    • I like how you put it – today is a new day to start over with love. It reminds me this is what God does every day with us – his mercies and compassions are new every morning. Lamentations 3:22-23

  • I liked your reflections here, especially your advice about looking forward not back and being the first one to make a move to show love. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from #LiveFreeThursday

  • Is this a new blog look I see? Sweet! I like it, Rachel. I also liked this quote: “PUT LOVE INTO PRACTICE WHERE PRIDE OFTEN PREVENTS.” We’re similar. I moved “away” as well. Your post words went deep. How to love from afar has been on my mind lately. Good timing. #thankyouJesus Visiting today via #livefreeThursday.

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