Last time, we learned that Jesus has God’s power and when we trust in Jesus, he changes lives. If you missed it, you can read it here.

Here, we discover we have God’s power, given to us through the Holy Spirit, to do many different, good things.

Empowerment is a popular concept in our society. Human rights and giving people freedom and dignity is important. Self-empowerment, enabling us to have confidence in what we do is equally crucial. 

God also empowers people.

This empowerment comes through God giving us his Holy Spirit. Confidence is not from our own ability, but from God.

God’s Holy Spirit gives us the power to do many things. Here are a list of just a few I found from within the Bible. You might like to look them up. 

To speak boldly: Numbers 24:2-9, Acts 4:31

To lead: Judges 6:34, Judges 11:29

To be a different person: 1 Samuel 10:6

To have craftsmanship and skills to make fine items: Exodus 28:3-8, Exodus 31:2-4

To have physical strength: Judges 14:5-6

To have anger that brings people together and leads to victory: 1 Samuel 11: 1-11

To have the confidence to go in the right direction: Psalm 143:10

This empowerment is not for us to do what we want but to bring about God’s good purposes for our lives, for those around us, and for the world.

We are going to pray that we: “will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 1:19-20).


Almighty God, thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit. Fill me with your Spirit today. Help me to understand that the greatness of your power that raised Jesus from the dead now fills me. Through your Spirit, give me boldness to do everything you want me to do to bring your good purposes to earth, to bring your will on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

(Next time, we will pray for God’s power to move us from fear to confidence.)

I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit.

Ephesians 3:16 NLT

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