I didn’t understand how God could love me.

I was brought up in a caring and loving Christian home. I learned of God’s love at Sunday school and in church youth group. As an adult, I could talk about God’s love, but I only knew about it in my head, not in my heart.

Instead, I saw God as a stern divine presence not a loving heavenly Father. I knew I didn’t live up to God’s standards, even though the Bible teaches Jesus has done this for me. I felt I had to do my part as well, and I wasn’t very good at being a nice Christian girl. Other people did the things I should have been doing. They made eloquent prayers instead of being scared to pray out loud. They regularly read their Bibles instead of forgetting to, and they enjoyed going to church instead of finding it boring. I couldn’t be like them, and often I didn’t want to be either. So, I decided God couldn’t love me, because I wasn’t good enough… [Read More]

Today I am guest blogging with Mandy Hill and the lovely team at We Are His Daughters.  Please join me there to continue.

And I am linking up with Kelly Balarie at #RaRaLinkup,  Holly Barrett at #TestimonyTuesday and Jenny at #WomenWithIntention

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