How to Make a Difference

Mother Theresa is quoted as saying, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” Like Mother Theresa,

Having Confidence in God in Times of Distress

Previously, we have understood that God is unwavering in being there for us, even when we fail to be completely committed to him. We have remembered how he

The Power of Remembering

Whenever I read about the Israelites after God rescued them from slavery in Egypt, I am always shocked at how incapable they were at trusting God. Of course,

Prayers for When You Wobble in Your Faith

There is no doubt that we can, and do, wobble in our faith. And it’s clear from many of the Bible stories that we are not alone in

A Prayer to Know God’s Supporting Arms

We know what unfaithfulness looks like. People let us down all the time, and it hurts. We may have let people down too.  God, however, is completely faithful.

A Fresh Way to View Your Prayer Life

Talking to my young adult children on a regular basis can be a challenge. One of my sons lives 3,000 miles to the east. His twin brother lives

Help When We Feel Drained and Distressed

Last time, we discovered trusting in God’s mighty power to protect us helps us overcome our fears. If you missed it, you can read it here. Here, we’re

Having the Power to do Many Things

Last time, we learned that Jesus has God’s power and when we trust in Jesus, he changes lives. If you missed it, you can read it here. Here,

The power of God to give you strength

Last time, we discovered how trusting in God’s kindness shown to us enables us to be kind to others. If you missed it, you can read it here.

When You Need to be Kind

Last time we were reassured of God’s kindness, especially his mercy and forgiveness, even when we don’t deserve it. If you missed it, you can read it here.