A Prayer to Step into God’s Transforming Power

Sometimes we’d rather stay with what we know best and where we feel safest instead of stepping out into the unknown and experiencing God’s transforming power at work

A Prayer to Break Down Spiritual Barriers

Sometimes we may find it hard to pray. It can feel like a barrier, a brick wall, exists between us and God. Yet, on my trip to Israel,

A Prayer to Be Ourselves When We Worship

Sometimes, we can be unsure if the way we worship God is good enough or the right way. A visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, nestled

A Prayer to be Thankful for Life

I walked a pathway where Jesus is thought to have walked, and it made me thankful for the path to life he gives. The orange glow of street

A prayer for when we feel defeated

Many things can make us feel defeated. Experiencing a loss, failure, losing a battle, or facing a crisis can make us feel like “this is over” whether it

How Jesus modeled prayer for us

Jesus needed to pray, to spend time with his Father. Jesus modeled prayer for us. He gave us an example to follow. I went to Galilee, where Jesus

Seeking Guidance from a Godly Friend

I needed some guidance this week and I decided to seek the godly guidance of a friend and colleague.  I apologized to her for offloading a lot of

A Prayer for Guidance by God’s Spirit

If you’re looking for God’s guidance but you feel inadequate, especially when you pray about it, then I want to encourage you that help is at hand. Here

A prayer for guidance for your next step

So far, we’ve looked at two ways in which we can get guidance from God—Scripture and Sense. The third way God can guide us is through Signs.  I

A Prayer to Use Your Common Sense

Last week, we looked at how we can get guidance on life from God’s words in the Bible—Scripture. This week, we are looking at the second “S” and