God’s Love for His Children

God loves children and babies. The Almighty, Eternal God who, with his breath and words, created our intricate world and commands billions of galaxies, is goo-goo over babies

Praise God for His Unwavering Love

Love hurts. Wherever this expression originated, we can relate to it. All of us know the pain of giving our heart to someone or something. However, it’s not

Praise God for His Universe-Sized Love

With technology such as the James Webb Telescope, scientists are discovering more about the universe than ever before. The telescope is giving images of star formation taking place

The Simplicity of Asking God for Guidance

Think about how you ask for directions. You make it simple, straightforward, and use words that you know, especially if you’re asking in a foreign language. It is

Common Sense and God’s Guidance

When we pray for God’s guidance, we don’t just appeal to God’s promises to guide us well. We use our common sense too. Abraham had sent his trusted

How to Ask for Guidance – Part 1

What do you need guidance on? Perhaps you have an important decision to make. Maybe you are trying to find the right person to fill a role or

Praise God for His Guidance

Visiting a new city or historic site can be frustrating or fascinating and satisfying. Frustration comes from not knowing where to go, what to look at, or what

Praise God for His Power and Authority

After my daughter and I had stood in line for thirteen hours to show our respects to Queen Elizabeth II and her reign, it led me to consider

Praise God for His Royal Rule

When Queen Elizabeth II died, my daughter and I traveled to London and stood in line for thirteen hours to pay our respects. We flew to London from

Praise God for Being Faithful

A few summers ago my husband and I visited the ruins of Ephesus with some friends. We marveled at the beautiful and colorful mosaic floors being painstakingly restored