Staying Focused in Prayer Step 4: Seeing the Distraction Disappear

I wrapped my arms around my sister and kissed her on the cheek. I knew she had enjoyed our day together, she said so. And, I had enjoyed

Staying Focused in Prayer: Step 3 – Letting God Speak Through the Distraction

We moved to the States a number of years ago. Although I haven’t picked up an American accent, and I still sound very British, I’ve noticed my vocabulary

Staying Focused in Prayer: Step 2 – Bringing What’s Distracting You to God

Sometimes we have a hard time seeing things directly in front of us. Take my phone, for instance. I put it down and then I’m frantic because I

Staying Focused in Prayer Step 1: Identifying What’s Distracting You

When my husband is telling a story or relaying some information at the family meal table, he quite often gets disrupted. In the middle of talking, suddenly one

How to be Consistent in Your Prayer Life

Would you like your prayer time to be as consistent as brushing your teeth? Our intentions to pray regularly are good, but turning aspirations into reality is often

How to Pray for What You Need

Praying for what we need is like going to a bakery. There is nothing more mouth-watering than the aroma a knife releases as it cracks through the crust

The Gift of Forgiveness

“I forgive you” can be hard to say. Forgiving people who have hurt us, wronged us, or abused us is difficult. We have to work at forgiveness. I

The Struggle of Seeing God as a Good Father

The daughter father relationship can bring all sorts of memories, images, and thoughts to mind — some good and loving, others bad and frightening — and so, we

When Other People Pray Better Than You

We are all different, and this has to be taken into account when we pray. When my daughter Phoebe was diagnosed with dyslexia, I discovered there is no

How to Take Baby Steps in Prayer

Learning to pray is like learning to walk. A friend of mine posted a video on Instagram of her baby girl’s first steps. Her chubby little legs moved