I’d like to welcome my new friend, Elizabeth Livingston, to the #BeBoldGirl series.  Elizabeth lives on the other side of the world from me, but she shows our hearts and our need for God’s bold grace are all the same.   Welcome, Elizabeth!

I couldn’t wrap my mind around the thought my life was going to be different than I ever imagined in my dreams. I found myself wrestling with God in the MRI scanning room. I was praying and begging God to make things fine instantly and let the MRI report be normal for my baby girl.

I was heart-broken with the diagnosis my baby had cerebral atrophy which was causing her to have multiple episodes of seizures. She had a rare kind of severe childhood epilepsy disorder named West Syndrome. It affects 1 in 4000 children. Children with West Syndrome are developmentally delayed with the possibility of mental retardation.

I felt my whole world slipping through my fingers. I just wished it to be a nightmare, but it was a reality. I was broken, fearful and uncertain of the outcome.

Fear, heartache, questions, and uncertainties filled my days. I knew there was only one place to go where I could find peace and comfort for my agonized soul and that was at the feet of Jesus. I brought my burdens to His cross. As I prayed and cried out to Him in my anguish, He whispered His calm assurance to my weary soul that He was beside me throughout the storm.

The only thing I needed to do was to be BOLD. I should be bold in prayer, in faith and in perseverance. When I thought I wouldn’t make it through the storm, He held me close to Him and gave me assurance of His abundant grace upon me.

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

God wants to prove through our lives that He is a God who stands by us in the middle of the storm. He gives us His grace to stand it, His grace to bear it, and His grace to overcome it.

It doesn’t take a second for our lives to be caught in a storm. It may be through a phone call, an accident, a shocking medical report, or the loss of loved ones. In a blink of an eye our life can change and our dreams, plans and priorities are forced to take a different turn. Every one of us goes through a season of trials in our lives where we feel heart-broken.

In the difficult times of our lives, everything we testify about God must be proven. Our faith in God must stand the trial.

He promises to take us out of our afflictions, but He also wants to prove through our lives that He is a God who stands by us in the middle of the storm. He gives us His grace to stand it, His grace to bear it, and His grace to overcome it.

As I gave my burdens to Him, He filled me with His peace and joy. I could experience His strength and grace. No longer were my days filled with sorrows but His joy, His grace and peace. I began to take good care of my daughter. I began to pray for her with faith. I was able to take care of my family. I could encourage others through my life, and I could follow my passion and purpose right in the midst of my challenges. Whenever I felt I was losing my strength, God lifted me up with His promises. He brought His people in my life who spoke words of life and encouragement to me.

How do you know when His grace is upon you?

No matter how intense the pressure on you, you will still be eager to do the will of God. Because He Himself will strengthen you. You will be able to fight the tear in the corner of your eye and put a smile on your face in the midst of your sufferings. You will quit feeling sorry for yourself and stop all your pity parties. You will be able to keep praise in your mouth and lift up your hands to bless the Lord in worship.

Will you trust Him in the middle of the storm? Will you stand still, when you feel like running away? Will you embrace His grace to make His power perfect in your weaknesses?  Will you be bold to believe He is in control of every situation of your life?

Remember, for every pain you go through and every trial you are in, there is always going to be a purpose, a blessing, and glory of God!

Elizabeth Livingston lives in Kerala, the southern part of India with her husband Nevin and two children Asher and Athalie. She writes to encourage others through her life experiences and insights. She loves to share about Jesus and His Word to help others keep their faith in Him in the midst of their trials and difficulties. She believes God has unique plans for each one of our lives and when we embrace His promises and trust in His plans, we can live a life which brings Glory to His name even in the midst of our challenges.  Connect with Elizabeth on her blog, on Facebook and on Twitter.

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Linking up with Kelly Balarie at the #RaRaLinkup, Holley Gerth at Coffee For Your Heart,

  • Elizabeth, thank you for sharing your beautiful story. God is truly faithful. I’m so thankful He meets us in the midst of heartbreak and draws us closer to Himself. I’m thankful for His peace when we come to the place of yielding our wills, our desires, to His.

  • Wonderful to trust God wherever your live. I pray complete healing for your daughter. Isaiah 53. He is rewarding your faith. Hebrews 11:6 just came to mind. Be very blessed.

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