A photo in the New York Times the other day showed world leaders sitting around a table as if it were family dinnertime. President Obama sat chatting to David Cameron, the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, and Francois Hollande, the French President sat on either side of them.

With the world’s political and economic powers munching caesar salad together, what did they talk about, I wonder? Surely, by being at one table they could bring about life-changing decisions to make our world a better place. If only it were that simple.

The Bible urges us to pray for all those in authority.

When was the last time you prayed for a world leader? Me, I can’t remember.

My excuse is that I can’t imagine my minuscule prayers make a big difference on the global scale—that what I ask in my small corner of the world will influence what happens at the table of world leaders.

The world’s problems can seem overwhelming. But, God rules over all the nations.

We need to direct our focus on our sovereign God and look to what he can do.

If we pray for those in authority, the Bible says we will live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  Isn’t that what we all want?

With the threats we face from terrorists and global warming, with the devastation caused by wars, then the chance to live peaceful and quiet lives is appealing, not only for ourselves but for people suffering from the impact of leaders’ poor decisions.

Prayer infuses God’s power at the table of world leaders. Prayer makes the world a better and more peaceful place.

How often, I wonder, do people pray for Kurbanguly (or Gurbanguly) Berdymukhamedov (I found two spellings of his name), President of Turkmenistan? Or, the Islamic State of Mauritania on the west coast of Africa and it’s leader Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz. Mauritania is seen as an important western ally in the fight against Islamist militancy.

Pray for Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the newly-formed and fragile country of South Sudan. I ask for prayer for this man as I will be introducing you to my friend, Yar Ayuel, from South Sudan in the next few weeks.

So, will you join me in praying for those who rule our countries?

Commit to praying for one of the above names each day for one week. Or better still, let’s pray for all three leaders for the next seven days.

Here are three prayers you can use:

Sovereign God, give Turkmenistan’s leader the courage to embrace his top level officials in his government. Amen. Read more.

Sovereign God, we ask you to soften the hearts of Mauritania’s leaders to overrule the death sentence for a condemned blogger. Amen. Read more.

Sovereign God, help South Sudan’s leaders maintain a spirit of cooperation as they begin the work of reversing the years of destruction the conflict has brought upon the people of South Sudan. Amen.
Read more

Can’t wait to see what God will do.

Because prayer changes the world.

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Linking up with  Crystal Storms at #IntentionalTuestday, Jaime Weibel at #SittingAmongFriends and Holly Barrett at #TestimonyTuesday

  • Thanks Rachel for the great reminder to pray and think of those who can impact our world in a big way. Our small prayers go through a big God, something we should never forget. I pray for my country but you reminded me it’s not just this country we should be praying for, but all those leaders who can make a difference. Thanks!

    • It’s great that you pray for your country, Jill. And leaders have a global impact. Just as our leaders influences other countries, so other leaders effect where we live, too.

  • Well stated Rachel! I have been convicted to pray for our leaders on every level: National, state, and citywide. Especially with this being an election year in the U.S. There are so many concerns and my heart hurts for my country as our religious liberties are becoming at risk, the definition of marriage is quickly being destroyed, and so much more. As Christians, God has allowed us to continue here on earth to be a witness to the unbelievers and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for sharing these prayers too so that we can send specific requests to God! Have a wonderful week and blessings to you and yours!

  • I tell people this, but usually they are just disagreeing with something. The Bible does say to pray for them. I saw David Cameron’s speech say England was a Christian nation, it didn’t appear that he offended anyone, I would love to have the President declare that over America.

  • A most important post to read at this time in our country. Grateful to be reminded to pray for our future leaders for our God already knows just who they are. Glad to have stopped here this morning!

  • There has never been a more important time for us to pray for our leaders in the US. Thanks for the reminder that politics doesn’t matter when we’ve been called to pray for all of our leaders. Great post, Rachel!

  • Honestly, I have been more burdened to pray for my country….Nigeria. I am hoping that things change for the better and the growing pains of the people be relieved.

    Thank you for this important call to engage in intentional prayers for the leaders

    God bless Rachel

    • I can understand how you feel, Ifeoma. I’m in my home country at the moment – Britain – and I feel burdened to pray for the people and those who are in government.

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