There are so many things we’d like guidance on. For instance, how to respond to someone who has upset us. Whether to take that job. The words we should say or advice we should give a friend. Who to marry… And so much more.
And often we look to God for help and direction.
In the story of Rebekah in the book of Genesis, there is a very good example of Abraham’s servant asking God for guidance.
Abraham sent his servant on a mission to find a wife for Isaac, his son. The servant prayed a remarkably direct prayer for success in completing his assignment. The woman he asked for a drink and offered to water his camels, would be the chosen wife for Isaac! And God answered the servant’s prayer exactly as he requested (Genesis 24:15-20).
If only our prayers were answered so easily and simply. So, how do we discover what God wants us to do and say? We often wish that God would just write on the wall, or audibly speak to us. Although, I know if he did, I’d jump out of my skin.
But, there are clear ways in which God guides us.
In my daily Bible reading recently, Nicky Gumbel talked about the five ways in which God guides. Today, we will look at the first one.
We have God’s Word to guide us.
2 Timothy 3:16 MSG says
Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way.
Now, going to the Bible might not give you a direct answer of who to marry, for instance, but it is very good on informing us how we should respond to someone who has upset us. Proverbs 15:1, for instance.
To get God’s guidance through the Bible, of course, means we have to read it. And, thankfully, we have numerous ways today that we can do that—online and on my phone are my favorites.
Because I want to hear from God and be guided by him, I make it a priority the first thing I do each morning. When I wake up and reach for my phone beside the bed, I open the Youversion Bible App and read the Bible in One Year plan I am working through before I get stuck into emails and any other notifications I’ve received overnight. You don’t need to feel pressured to do exactly the same. Just find what works for you.
What holds you back from reading God’s word? Here are a few I’ve struggled with in the past.
It’s difficult to understand. Although some of the Bible might be difficult to understand, there is much that is clear and straightforward. For the difficult passages, looks for others to explain them.
It’s boring. Find a version in everyday language, like The Message.
It doesn’t always “speak” to me and my needs. No, me neither. But, when God’s words jump off the page, I know they are ones I should take to heart that day, and if needed, follow their instruction.
Use this prayer each time you read God’s word and for his guidance:

Photo by Paul Fiedler on Unsplash