
The very first words God spoke to humanity remind me of a wedding.

I love going to weddings. The celebration of two lives having a future together, the joy of love, the opportunity to dress up. The guests, along with the bride and groom, looking and doing their very best. Delicious food, beautiful decorations, laughter. For the most part, weddings are occasions to look forward to and enjoy.

God began speaking with “Be fruitful…”

Those words have a sense of joyful anticipation—like confetti being thrown into the air, as at a wedding or party. God had created a beautiful world and the future was ready to begin.  No expense had been spared. God said it was good. Richness, luxury and splendor surrounded the young couple.

Our English definition of “fruitful” means to be productive, effective, to do what is useful and worthwhile. And with those meanings comes a sense of value and satisfaction. God’s instruction to be fruitful has another sense alongside that of happiness and joy. It meant to be abundant, not stingy, to be generous, not self-serving. 

But it wasn’t just an order from God, something for humanity to grumble about because it would be a burden. It came with God’s blessing. God gave them the ability to be fruitful. It would happen in relationship with Him.

A friend often spoke to me about a person who she described as “blessed”. And she was fruitful. Her ministry thrived. She sold lots of books and continually made the New York Times bestseller list. Of course, when I looked at this person’s “fruit” I would think that I wasn’t blessed by God.  But Genesis 1 shows us that God’s blessing is on all of us. God’s nature is to bless, to bring goodness, to give us strength. 

God blesses us. God does not hold back. He gives us everything we need to be productive. God wants us, his special creation, his image bearers, his honored people to be fruitful in all ways. We give him delight in what we do and at the same time, we delight in him.

Where can you follow God’s words today when he says to you “be fruitful…”? How will you react to his instruction while keeping in mind that he has blessed you and wants to continue blessing you. How will you celebrate?

Use this prayer then share one way you are celebrating and being fruitful.


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