Create A Prayer Habit

Jesus began His ministry announcing the Kingdom of God had come to earth. And, He encouraged us to pray to God saying “Your kingdom come, Your will be done.”

Pray for God’s might and power to break into specific areas and situations of your life, and for God’s will to be done.

Spend time with your heavenly Father asking for His power to be displayed in your life and your world.

Today, pray for greater clarity as you seek to understand God’s Word. As you read, pray for God to speak clearly into your life.

Use these words:

Lord God, by the power of Your Holy Spirit and through the authority of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I need Your kingdom to break into my understanding with what I have read about _____________________________. Make your Word clear for my life.

Tell your Heavenly Father what you find difficult to understand:

Father, this is what it’s like ______________________________.

Now ask God to enlighten you through the Holy Spirit and reveal the truths for your life:

Lord, come and _______________so _________________________.

With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. Like this: 

Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are. (Matthew 6:8-10 MSG)

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