Create A Prayer Habit

God sent his only Son to die for you. You are valuable to God but how often do you struggle in knowing your worth? God reminds us, through his word, in many different ways of our importance and value to him. These prayers are to help you know you are priceless not worthless.

Read this scripture:

The Lord says, “Small and weak as you are, Israel, don’t be afraid; I will help you. I, the holy God of Israel, am the one who saves you. Isaiah 41:14 GNT

Do you feel small and insignificant?

Heavenly Father, I am feeling  ____________________ because_____________________________.

Ask God to help you know you are significant in his eyes:

Father, I need to know  __________________________________.

Thank God for his generosity. Thank him for one way he has given you confidence in the past.

Father, thank you for ___________________________. 

Now, have faith in God and trust him to help you feel strong.

Lord God, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will trust you and believe you will ______________________________. 

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