Create A Prayer Habit

Tim Keller writes that “there is no situation or emotion a human being can experience that is not reflected somewhere in the Psalms.” “Immersing ourselves in the Psalms and turning them into prayers helps us pray in accord with God’s character and will.”

A prayer of worship

Lord God, I want to worship You through my obedience to You in ___________________________. 

I praise You because You are the Truth. I want to speak the truth and not ________________________________. 

You are just. I want to treat others fairly and not _______________________.

You keep Your promises. I will keep my promises, no matter what the cost.

You are a generous God. I will be generous without expecting something in return. Today, I will _____________________________.

You are my rock. Help me to always stand firm when _____________________.

I give you praise.


Paraphrased from Psalm 15 CEV

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