Create A Prayer Habit

We know the importance and value of prayer. As James 5:16 (NIRV) says:  The prayer of a godly person is powerful. Things happen because of it.

Sometimes, though, we need a little help to find a routine and pray consistently — to make prayer a habit. I want to help you get intentional in your prayer life.

Each day I will provide you with an opportunity to practice prayer — to help you pray naturally. These will be simple, biblically-based prayer prompts with fill-in-the-blanks that you can personalize for yourself and your life.

Here is today’s prayer prompt:

The Bible instructs us: When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer. Matthew 5:44 MSG

Why does the Bible tell us to pray about our challenging relationships? What difference can prayer make to a relationship that is out of sync? When we turn to prayer, we allow God to enter into the brokenness and bring healing.

1 Corinthians 13:4 says: Love is kind.

Today, pray for a relationship in which being kind to each other is needed

Lord God, I pray for my relationship with _______________________.

Lord, this is where it has gone wrong: ________________________.

Take away the harshness and unkindness and replace it with ______________________.

Lord, forgive me for ______________. Help me to _____________________.

Finish with these words:
Heavenly Father, teach me how to do Your will, for You are my God. Allow Your good Spirit to guide me on level ground, to guide me along Your path. Psalm 143:10 (VOICE) 

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