Create A Prayer Habit

We know the importance and value of prayer. As James 5:16 (NIRV) says:  The prayer of a godly person is powerful. Things happen because of it.

Sometimes, though, we need a little help to find a routine and pray consistently — to make prayer a habit. I want to help you get intentional in your prayer life.

Each day I will provide you with an opportunity to practice prayer — to help you pray naturally. These will be simple, biblically-based prayer prompts with fill-in-the-blanks that you can personalize for yourself and your life.

Here is today’s prayer prompt:

Go ahead and give God thanks for all the glorious things he has done! Go ahead and worship Him! Tell everyone about his wonders! Let’s sing his praises! Psalm 105:1 TPT

Start with: 
God, I praise you because you are good and do glorious things for your people. I will proclaim your marvelous nature to everyone I meet.

Think about the day ahead. Ask God to meet your needs. 
Heavenly Father, today I need to see your magnificence in: _________________________________.

Pray for one person today who needs God to do something outstanding in his/her life. 
Today I pray for: _________________________________.

Where have you not been speaking about God’s wonders? 
Lord, forgive me for: _________________________________.

What wonderful thing has God done for you recently? Show your gratitude to God. 
Heavenly Father, thank You for _________________________________.

As you go into your day, or if this is the end of your day, ask God to reveal his splendor to you. 
God, I ask you to show your grandeur in _________________________________.

Finish with these words:
I pray to You, God, because you will help me. Listen and answer my prayer! Psalm 17:6 CEV

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