Welcome to Liz Giertz, this week’s #BeBoldGirl. Her fear of failing and excuses nearly stopped her stepping out in being obedient to what God called her to do and discovering there are rewards when we do.

God whispered something to my heart, but I didn’t want to do it.

I didn’t think I had enough experience or wisdom to offer. And I dragged my feet for months avoiding His nudge.

Fear of failing fought my faith.

You see, my readers and many friends expressed a need to nurture their marriages. Every time God reminded me, I came up with clever excuses about why it wouldn’t be a good idea.

I haven’t been married that long.
Our marriage isn’t perfect.
Other folks have so much more to offer.<

I wanted to play it safe so I didn’t expose my inadequacies.

Excuse after excuse piled up until God tipped the scale with His mighty truth. It wasn’t about me. I wasn’t to share my wisdom or experience, but His. And I wouldn’t do it alone. Not only would He be with me every step of the way, but He would provide a team of women to speak to the stuff I hadn’t experienced. Even if I failed fantastically by every human measure, His plans never do. God’s plans are always for my good.

If God waited for us to be perfect before He used us nothing would ever get done.

But why does He want to use us anyway?

Because He knows there are big benefits for being boldly obedient.

Three Big Benefits of Bold Obedience

We get a front row seat to see God work.

It was an incredible privilege to see God transforming messy marriages into masterpieces during the 14 week series. God humbled me to the point of tears as women shared their stories of how God was working to resolve issues. And He worked wonders in my own marriage, too. Sure, God would have still done His thing even if I’d chickened out, but I wouldn’t have had the honor of watching Him work.

He fortifies our faith.

Experiencing His presence with me as I researched and wrote strengthened my trust. Every time I saw God’s faithfulness to me, it produced greater faith in me. Because He didn’t let me fail in this task, He reminds me that He won’t let me take the fall for my sins, either. So I truly have nothing to fear now, or for eternity.

We are encouraged to go forth boldly.

When people see how God was with me, they are reassured He will be with them, too. That inspires boldness beyond ourselves. If He’ll do it for me, He’ll do it for you, too. What an incredible world this would be if we all practiced bold obedience, stepping out in faith to follow where God’s whispers lead!

Maybe it’s a small sacrifice or something that feels monumental. Perhaps it is a local endeavor or a call with global implications. It might involve laying down a dream or discovering a new one. Teach. Witness. Comfort. Lead. Shine. Pray. Foster. Speak. Write. Love. Give. Move. Stay. God’s call on your heart may just be to stop running from Him and receive His love and grace. Chances are, whatever it is, it feels a little scary. But, when the excuses start to pile up, we can tip the scale with God’s truth and step boldly into obedience.

I don’t know what God is whispering in your heart today, but I do know there are big benefits to obeying boldly.

What is God whispering to you today? Have you experienced any other benefits to obedience?

Liz Giertz is an Army Veteran turned Army wife and mom to two boisterous boys who call Hurricane, WV home for now. She is passionate about encouraging women to overcome MESSES and embrace their MEMORIES as they become the MASTERPIECES God created them to be. You can connect with her on her blog, My Messy Desk, as well as on Facebook or Twitter.

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    • I’m so thankful for that, Rebecca! And that I’m
      Just responsible for obeying, and the results are His!

  • Thanks for the opportunity to share a little bit of my story here, Rachel! I pray it will encourage someone else to step out in faith for God’s glory! Blessings!

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