A trapeze artist, a friend explained to me as I asked her for wisdom, has to completely let go of one bar before they can grab hold of the next bar. For a moment they are suspended in mid-air, hands spread wide, not holding onto anything.

The audience watches from below, holding their breath. Two thoughts go through the minds of the spectators: “They must be crazy’ and “rather them than me.”

As you read about my current situation, you will probably have the same reaction as the onlookers.

We have just sold our house. In four weeks time the movers will arrive with their truck and we have no idea where we will be living next. We will be hanging mid-air like the trapeze artist.

I don’t need a house, I just need a bigger suitcase,” I commented to my son recently, making a reference to the travel my husband and I were about to embark, visiting his twin brother on one continent and his sister at college on another continent half-way around the world. It’s a lesson in be careful what you wish for.

At that time our house had been on the market for six months with little interest. “The market in your price range is dead at the moment,” said our realtor.

“Then if our house sells, we’ll know it’s God’s doing,” I thought.

With God all things are possible.

I wrote about the pain of wanting to move on in a recent article When God Says No, and complained as I pondered why God didn’t want the same thing. “How many years did the children of Israel wander in the wilderness?” I’ve been know to ask despondently.

“We’ve lived here for twenty-one years, does God wants me to stay for another seven?” I considered as I reflected on God’s ways. In the Bible, seven is the number of God’s completeness and perfection. I hope this doesn’t make me sound superstitious.

If this is the year, it will be a God thing.

Then, suddenly, our house sold. I shouldn’t be surprised.

A buyer offered a low price. We wouldn’t budge. They moved up more. We counter-offered a little below our asking price.

“I never ever thought they would accept your offer,” said the realtor. God again.

I have learned something between the wilderness and the stagnant market.

God wants us to let go of the old trappings. We need to release what we’re holding tight.

If this is the year it will be a God thing. I have learned something between the wilderness and the stagnant market.  God wants us to let go of the old trappings. We need to release what we’re holding tight.Open hands represent the attitude of our hearts—a willingness to be vulnerable and available for God.

Then we are free to grab hold of the new delights he has planned for us.

I had to let go of a ministry. God had been nudging me to do this for a while. But I clung on. I had helped build it. After all, it was my ministry.

But, then I realized it wasn’t.

I had to let go of guilt. I didn’t deserve to move on, I had to pay for my grumbling.

But, God is full of grace.

I had to let go of friends—people I have grown to love. I should put others first, the Bible teaches.

But, God must be my first love.

God wasn’t keeping me stuck—it was me!

So, I’ve let go. And now I’m poised mid-air waiting to grab onto what God has for me next.

What are you holding onto? Or are you, too, poised in mid-air?

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I’m linking up with Suzie Eller at #liveFree, Dawn Klinge at #GraceandTruth, Deb Wolf at #Faith’nFriends, Lori Schumaker at #Moments of Hope and Susan Mead at #DanceWithJesus

  • Loved this, Rachel! I signed up so I can follow you being bold! #BeBoldGirl Praying for God to blaze a path for you to discover Him in a brand new way and minister to others. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful hope with us at Moments of Hope. When we open our hands and let go of what is keeping us stuck, our hope is renewed and our faith refreshed!
    Blessings and smiles,

  • Rachel
    I will pray that God gives you strenth & a long life to continue your work for Him.
    a member of Cape Ann Bible church.

  • Rachel,
    Praying for you has you open your hearts and hands to what God has in store. Praying for patience and perseverance as you go through the stage of what next. This post, though not making me want to sell my house, has me thinking of what “stuff” and “baggage” I need to let go of so that I can travel lighter and more simply with Christ.

  • Wow! Surrender is both a blessing and a challenge, isn’t it!
    Love the visual of the trapeze!
    Found your post today on Grace and Truth.
    Hope you have a blessed Friday!

  • Thanks for this, Sandra. In 2014, we sold the house we’d lived in for over 20 years and raised our kids in. It, too, was a God-thing. Grace for your journey ahead! #GraceandTruth

  • A mid-air act. What an analogy. I know this well in my own life. Thanks for sharing your journey. Stories like yours help others like me process some of those thoughts bouncing around in our head. Glad I found you on Grace & Truth!

  • This hanging on in mid-air trusting God has everything under control . . . it can be hard. I often think trusting Him for eternity is not nearly as heard as trusting Him with today. This blessed me so much! Praying you see His answers quickly and that your trip is wonderful! If you get a minute, I’d love to have you join the Blog Hop at Counting My Blessings today. I know this will bless my readers!

    • You have a good point there, Deb. It is much harder to trust Him with today than eternity. Will be linking up with your Blog Hop. Thanks for the invite.

  • Excited for you in your next step friend! Your words are perfect for me too…

  • I’m on the verge of letting go too. House on the market with no plans for the next step.
    Your description is profound and your words encourage my heart. Thank you.

    • Just remember, Sandra, when your house sells, let go of the bar and keep your hands open. Thank you for leaving a comment and I can’t wait to hear what God has in store for you next.

  • I can appreciate this, I’ve felt like a this a long time, taking a plunge. I know God will catch me wherever I land.

  • So excited for you all and can truthfully say I know exactly what you are feeling. I too had to let go and let God and even though we may never know why we are here (not that I’m complaining!) it’s ok. Obedience is the only thing that matters. Praying you all through and selfishly hope you settle South?

  • This spoke so much to me Rachel! I had just let go of something I had been clinging onto for the wrong reasons. Not bad reasons, but not “pursuing my God given passion” reasons. I feel suspended as I wait for baby to be born and a new stage of life to start. We will also have a move coming up and have yet to have the next address revealed. Let go…and let God!
    Poised with you my friend 🙂

    • Sarah, I know as you let go and open your hands to God, he has you, your husband and your baby (so exciting) in the palm of His hand. Hugs to you.

  • I look forward to reading about your next adventure. You have certainly let go of a lot. Sometimes I think these times of finally letting go, is when He moves as He knows now we’re ‘really’ ready! “Let it go” are God-breathed words that dropped in my mind recently, and am asking multiple times of the day..’what am I to let go off, God?’ I need to just get out the way too, so He can work.

  • Dear Rachel! Oh, my! You will never know how much this post has hit a raw nerve. I cannot believe how God does this! He sends us exactly what we need to hear, precisely when we need to hear it. I just read Michele Morin’s latest post, and the next post I clicked on to read was yours. My heart is a thirsty sponge before God this morning wanting to hear what He has to say to me, even it isn’t exactly what I want to hear. Hope this makes sense! But, through you and Michele’s posts, He is telling me exactly what I NEED, not necessarily WANT to hear. Wish I could sit down face-to-face and talk with you, as our journeys sound so similar right now! You are such a dear blessing and encouragement to me through your writings. May God bless you, sweet friend, and hold you ever in the palm of His mighty hand, giving you direction for the next step right when you need it. We long for a flashlight, don’t we? One that will shine out several steps in front of us, so we will know, in advance, what we are to do, where we are to go, etc. God is teaching you…and my family and me, too….that He doesn’t work that way. Our directions from Him are on an “as you need to know” basis, and He will not change that no matter how much we want Him to. I am praying for you, and I would so appreciate your prayers for us right now, too. 🙂

    • Cheryl, your words “we long for a flashlight” reminded me of what God does give us – His Word as a lamp to guide our feet, so we don’t slip and a light for our path, so we don’t stumble. Praying for you and your family, Cheryl.

  • Praying for your “mid-air act”!!!! God is faithful! #livefreeThursday

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