We had a wild turkey in our yard one winter. I spotted it through the window from the kitchen. “How the heck did it get inside our fenced yard?” I asked myself.

It strutted menacingly—head jerking back and forth—towards the chicken coop. “It’s after their food,” I thought, “and it’s going to peck our innocent little chickens to death, I must get out there and save them.”

I slid my feet into my Crocs—the nearest available pair of shoes. Not a good idea, I realized as I stepped onto the snow.

I bravely placed myself, and snow-filled toes, between the giant predator and its victims.

“Shoo, you” I said. It actually turned away.

I had no idea if the turkey was male or female, even though I’m a farmer’s daughter. My dad would be ashamed.

The turkey walked alongside the four-foot high wire fence surrounding our yard. That’s when I spotted its two buddies on the other side of the fence.

“Hop over,” I shouted. Do wild turkeys fly? I was clueless.

Like a caged animal, the bird paced its enclosure trying to figure out how to join its pals.

I phoned my husband.

“Open the gate,” he said. He’s always so smart.

Well, I had thought about that but the turkey was between me and the gate.

I ran into the house, through the garage, onto the driveway and opened the garden gate—wide, from the other side. Then, I rushed back into the garage, through the house and into the yard again.

My Crocs acted like snow shovels.

I walked towards the bird, holding my arms out wide. I’m sure it was as high as my shoulder. Well, more realistically, maybe it was below my elbow.

The turkey moved towards the gate. Only a few steps more, now. I was being successful. Then it stopped, looked me directly in the eyes and began to advance towards me.

I turned and ran.

Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey, not the Bald Eagle, to represent America as its national bird. He said:

For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America… He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.[1]

So, this Brit had good reason to run. Although, the turkey was probably more frightened of me than me of it.

Neither did it know that Thanksgiving has been and gone. However, we Brits do enjoy a good turkey dinner at Christmas!

Overcoming what seem like giants in our lives takes courage.

Some of our problems in life are huge giants we have to face but other times difficulties seem bigger and more menacing than they really are. Still, we can run around in a panic, expecting the worst, and unable to think or see clearly.

Although I did face the turkey on my own, we do not have to face life’s problems on our own. God promises to be with us.

Be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9 TLB

God spoke these words to Joshua and his people just before they crossed the Jordan River to take the land of Canaan that God had promised them. This was the land their ancestors had been too fearful to step on because it was filled with giants—people who were taller and stronger than themselves, and huge fortified cities.

Even though God said he would go before them and fight for them, and even though they had seen God fight for them in the past when they fled Egypt, they refused to trust God.

We need to keep in mind, that God is bigger than any giants in our lives, real or imagined. We need to remember that God fights for us, his people.

Are you intimidated by a situation or a person in your life? Is it, or he or she, overshadowing you with fear?

As you trust in God, you can be assured by his words:

Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

Where do you need courage? How can you remember to trust God is with you whatever you face?


Lord God, although my problems loom like giants, they dwarf in comparison to your strength and power. Help me to know you are close so I will not be afraid. Today, I place my trust in you. Amen.

From the other side of the door, I could no longer see my large grey-feathered friend. I guess turkeys can fly or find an open gate.

Photo by Dave Herring on Unsplash

  • I saw a video of one chasing a mail lady. I’m from Atlanta and moving south of town even to the suburbs, I am surprised to see buzzards, and some of them will try to attack you.

  • Great story! Yes, God is most certainly bigger than any giants we face. So thankful. Reminds me of Veggie Tales’ God is Bigger than the Boogie Man video! Thanks for sharing this today. I’m blessed to be following you at Crystal’s!

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