This week I’m sharing the bold prayers written by the wonderful women of Christ Chapel, Connecticut. I had the honor of speaking at their retreat last weekend on Heart Talk: Deepening Our Conversation with God. We learned to Pray Positively and looked at the prayers of two bold women of the Bible, Hannah and Mary, the mother of Jesus. Whatever your circumstances, I hope you can join them in praying these bold, positive prayers. Here are the prayers they wrote:


You are so good to us; we rejoice in Your everlasting love.
You are a powerful Creator and our Abba.
We are blessed to be chosen by You first.
We are made righteous by who You are.
Your grace and mercy are never-ending.
We lean on Your wisdom and thank You for always being there.
Our hearts long to know Your will for our lives.

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True positive thinking is rooted in having faith and trust God.

I will praise You, Lord, Creator and Sustainer of life.
You reign above all.
You are first in my life.
You are my Rock and Salvation.
Lord, give me a servant’s heart.
Relieve me of the bondage of self that I may better do Your will.
Your love is a salve on my wounds. Heal me, make me new, make me whole.
Thank You for Your complete forgiveness and for accepting me as I am
You are always there for me.
Help me to not miss the mark of my high calling.

Lord Jesus, our Savior, we rejoice in You.
You are amazingly mindful of us, of our needs.
No one is greater than You. You alone are worthy of our praise and worship.
You are holy.
You know our innermost thoughts, and yet You still show mercy.
You show compassion on those who are broken in spirit.
You are Father to the fatherless.
The immeasurable sacrifice of Your Son to forgive, redeem, and save us
shows You fathomless, endless love for us.
Refuge, Rock of our Salvation, forever You reign.
You sing and delight over us. How GREAT are You, God.
Light of the world who entered darkness to rescue us, all praise be to Your name.

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Dear heavenly Father, our merciful Savior,
You are the exalted One, and we rejoice in Your greatness, O Lord.
Abba Father, You are always present.
We love You, Lord God, for You rescue us and never let us down.
Father God, You are our provider, You comfort us in our mourning,
You hide us in the shadow of Your wings so we can sing with joy.
You have helped us in our distress.
You have filled us with Your word, that provides total trust in You.
Your mercy is everlasting, Lord God,
You are my light and salvation: whom then shall I fear?

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