I look out of the window of my New York apartment and I see skyscrapers.


The Freedom Tower stands tall and strong. Depending on the time of day, the light reflects off its sides and makes it appear two-tone in color.



The Tower is also an indicator of the day’s weather. If I can clearly see it’s detailed design and antenna on the top, I know it’s going to be a fine day. If the top half of the Tower is hidden in mist, I expect humidity. If I can’t see the tower at all—it’s raining.



The New York City skyline and the Freedom Tower remind me to pray for God's love to fill our hearts and earth.

The Freedom Tower is a reminder to never forget those who lost their lives and those still suffering from the events of 9/11. It is a reminder to pray for God’s love to fill our hearts and earth, instead of letting hatred and evil reign.


What is on the skyline where you live? Is it buildings, trees, your neighbor’s homes? How are you prompted to pray?

Join me for the rest of the Prayer Triggers series to become more alert and mindful in prayer.

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Linking up with Crystal Storms at #HeartEncouragement, with Susan B. Mead at #DanceWithJesus, with Arabah Joy at Grace & Truth

  • What beautiful photos and what a beautiful reminder. I just wrote on this myself last week, while writing about how to connect with God throughout the day. (for my book). I so appreciate your encouragement on prayer. My skyline, which includes minarets, definitely reminds me to pray for God’s Spirit to reveal Himself.

    • I can imagine, Betsy, that your skyline does remind you to pray for God’s Spirit to reveal Himself. That desire, and the love you have for the people where you live, shows a heart that takes after Him.

  • Wow, what a view! Certainly different from the Missouri woods I live in. I love that you see the skyline as a prompt for prayer, Rachel. I’ll think about how I can make my view a prayer trigger as well.

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