A fast flowing river reminds me of snowmelt in the Rockies, my bachelor’s degree in geography, and storms.

Fast flowing rivers are a reminder of the benefit of bringing everything to God in prayer.

Unfortunately, we have seen the power of water and overflowing rivers this last week in Texas.

Fast flowing rivers are strong and can carry a lot of debris.

Sticks, branches, and boulders are tossed and turned and carried downstream. Eventually this debris is deposited at the mouth of the river as sediment. Here the silt becomes fertile ground where plants and trees can be grown.

We can learn a lot about prayer from this physical phenomenon.

Fast flowing rivers are a reminder of the benefit of bringing everything to God in prayer.

When storms hit, we need our prayers to be like fast-flowing rivers.

When we deposit everything at God’s feet, the debris of our lives becomes rich soil in which we grow and become fruitful.

Will you pray for the people of Texas today?

Read more here about why our prayers should overflow.

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Sharing with Natalie Venegas at Salt & Light, with Susan B. Mead at #DanceWithJesus, with Arabah Joy at Grace & Truth, with Kelly Balarie at #RaRaLinkkup, with Holley Gerth at #CoffeeForYourHeart

  • Thanks for sharing these thoughts. Yes, may our prayers be like a river flowing up to the Father. (I’m from Texas, and my son spent last week in Houston stranded, so it was a hard week, so hard to see that kind of destruction.)

  • Rachel, this is a great analogy. Thank you for this reminder about overflowing prayer and for the focus on the people of Texas.

  • Hi Rachel, Thanks again for mentioning the Children’s Moon. I have a friend who is safe in Louisiana, read a post from a fellow blogger who was safe but had had friends who had to be rescued and that was sad about the family of six drowning in an overturned van. Maybe everyone should carry scissors for seat belts and that gadget that breaks windows. It’s good to be prepared but better to be spiritually prepared, and please tell your son he can find Jesus in his studies, it’s like a scavenger hunt.

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