
Living in London, I always thought part of my journey would include climbing the career ladder of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) while raising a family there. I imagined my kids going to school wearing those cute school uniforms we English love so much and coming home to play in our beautiful garden, even though I’m not much of a gardener.

My dream of a gorgeous Victorian house and English garden did come true, but it was short lived. My husband and I spent one whole year finding just the right home with purple wisteria hanging over the front door. Within months a For Sale sign hung outside.

A New Journey

Less than a year after purchasing our house, we boarded a plane clutching one-way tickets to Boston, Massachusetts and my six-week old baby in my arms. My husband’s job took us 3,000 miles from England to New England.

Yet, although my plans were turned upside down, I eventually learned God had a good plan through it all.

Grey trees, stark from the winter, surrounded me instead of the familiar buildings of London. I relied on passing strangers to admire my baby instead of friends and family. And my husband traveled frequently and far. This career city-girl turned stay-at-home suburban mom hit rock bottom—hard.

One Sunday afternoon on the floor of the bedroom in our rented apartment, I did not know how I could go on. Desperate, I didn’t know who to turn to or what to do.

Then I remembered God.

I had kept God on the periphery of my life to that point, not wanting him involved in my world nor feeling I needed him.

I hadn’t spoken to him for years. Yet, in those moments I managed three anguished but significant words: “God, help me.”

As I turned to him, I felt an instant, overwhelming sense of peace. God had heard my prayer.

God responds when we cry to him.

That afternoon was the beginning of a new journey. My situation didn’t get easier immediately, but clinging to God and being confident of his good promises for my life, I found hope.

I began to learn that leaning on God keeps us steady because he is completely constant and steadfast. God is who we need to make our path straight through life’s twists and turns. As we turn to him, we find assurance to navigate our way through trying circumstances. And with God, we can look forward with anticipation instead of looking back with regret.

The Bible says: The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. Hebrews 11:1 (MSG)

Join me on a journey of a new adventure with God, through adventurous living, bold prayer, and confident faith.

But, first of all, what is your story and journey so far? I’d love to know. Share in the comments below.

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