Today, I welcome Sarah Geringer to the #BeBoldGirl series.  She is taking some bold steps in her life these days and I know her words will inspire you to do the same. Welcome, Sarah!

In my current season of big changes, I’m learning to pray boldly.

This week I announced my intent to quit my job once the school year ends in May.  I’ll be writing and creating full-time from home, a dream of mine since my teen years.  Chasing this God-inspired dream is thrilling and inspiring.

But I must be honest: my dream-chasing also tempts me to fear.

For the past four years I’ve worked as a school secretary.  My income hasn’t been huge, but it’s been a steady paycheck.  It covers extras like private school tuition, and it covers periodic bills like car insurance and property taxes.  It’s enough to provide a bit of breathing room in our budget.

Before I took this job, I was a stay-at-home mom for eighteen months.  Those eighteen months drained our savings.  They put a strain on our marriage.  They took a toll on my self-esteem, even though I loved that time with my daughter before she started school.

My fears aren’t unfounded because I’ve seen what happened in the past.  I don’t want to drown in new debt.  I don’t want my lack of a steady paycheck to cause marriage problems.  I don’t want to endure a blow to my self-image again.

In those challenging eighteen months of no employment, I prayed boldly that God would provide me a job which would allow me to be home when my children were home.  God answered my prayer with the secretarial job.  I’ve been home with my children after school, on the weekends, and on school breaks. Our time together has created close bonds and lots of opportunity for faith-based conversations.  Now God is answering new prayers for a new career.

Because prayer carried me through my past season of financial trials, I’m using prayer to carry me through my impending future of uncertain income.

I didn’t grow up in a tradition of praying boldly.  The extreme name-it-and-claim-it technique was frowned upon so strongly, I swung to the other extreme of vague “help me” prayers.  Yet, as I’ve studied the Bible over the years, I’ve learned that bold, specific prayer is woven throughout Scripture.

Hannah prayed boldly for a son in 1 Samuel 1:11, and put her trust in God even though she was barren.  Drawing from her example, I need to pray for the birth and growth of my home-based business, even though I don’t have a lot of capital.

All through the Psalms, David fervently prays for God’s protection from his enemies (see Psalm 56 for an example).  Similarly, I can pray for protection against spiritual attack on my self-esteem and in my marriage.

I often reflect on Jesus’ wonderful prayer in John 17.  His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane was future-oriented for all believers.  He prayed for you and me on the night before he died—isn’t that amazing?  I can model my prayers now after Jesus’ prayers, praying more for my family’s benefit than mine.  I am praying for income to sustain our finances.  I am praying that my increased presence at home will create a peaceful atmosphere we all will enjoy.

I am also praying for those who will be blessed by the work I create from home.  I don’t know who needs the unique encouragement God will send through my books and my artwork, but God knows.  My bold prayers now will benefit me, my loved ones, and others I have yet to meet!

How are you praying boldly?

Linking up with Testimony Tuesday.

Sarah Geringer is a wife and mother of three. She lives in her beloved home state of Missouri and she writes on her blog with a message of Finding Peace in God’s Word. She enjoys reading, baking, gardening, and walking in nature. Her theme verse for 2017 is: “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, for they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 NIV

Keep up with Sarah on her blog, Facebook, Twitter (@sarahgeringer) and Pinterest.

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Linking up with Holly Gerth at #CoffeeForYourHeart and Holly Barrett at #TestimonyTuesday


  • Thanks for sharing your honest feelings! I pray your transition will be successful and God will use you!

  • I understand needing money, I amazed sometimes to hear Him say rest or that I need love.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}


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