Sometimes God seems no closer than the Milky Way.

What is it that makes God seem distant?

Is it because he is holy and majestic and needs to be detached from a far from perfect mortal like myself? Are my day-to-day activities too insignificant to receive his undivided attention? Does he withdraw because, well frankly, I miss the mark—too often—and could do better?

How do we pray when God feels far away?

To begin, we must understand God’s purpose is to be near us and with us. Always.

God does not deliberately separate himself from us.

From day one, God intended to be intimate with people made in his image.


God's purpose is to be near us and with us. Always. God does not deliberately separate himself from us. From day one, God intended to be intimate with people made in his image.

“Where are you?” He called out to Adam and Eve when he came to enjoy an evening stroll in the Garden. His question is packed with disappointment in them not being there to meet him, and longing for their fellowship.

God Almighty, who loads the clouds with moisture and turns them into a mighty downpour, (Job 37), the Creator who hangs the stars, determines their number, and calls them each by name came down from heaven onto earth to enjoy the company of the man and woman.

Yet, Adam and Eve were not there to meet him.

Do you know what it’s like to be stood up? I feel gutted when I turn up to meet a friend, but they never arrive.

Adam and Eve’s actions had made them ashamed. They were the ones who separated themselves from God.

How often do we hide rather than come out in the open and admit our pride, anger, jealousy, selfish ambition…?

Unfortunately, when we go our own way, we create the gap between God and us.

God says:

‘Here am I, here am I.’ All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations. Isaiah 65:2 (NIV)

The only people I see who hold out their hands are beggars on the street. Have I caused my holy God to take this humble position so he can get near to me?

We should never accuse God of being distant.

When we can’t feel God’s warmth, it isn’t punishment. This is far from the truth.

Nor are difficult trials or the isolation we feel during them a result of sin. That God seems withdrawn during these times is something we all face.

God does not delight in distance from us.

When we have alienated ourselves from God, everything in scripture points to a relationship that can be made right because God has humbled himself.

Nothing should make us think we cannot be close to God again.

Any separation–God has taken care of.

God has done everything to rectify the chasm created by sin.

God the Father, through his Son Jesus, has done everything in his power to be inseparable from us.

It began with an intimate relationship with a baby who needed to be cleaned, fed, watched, and cuddled.

Then God allowed his Son to die.

God always makes the move towards us. We never work our way up to God.

So along with me, will you get on your knees before a big-hearted, loving God.

Acknowledge that your wrongdoing puts a distance between you and God. Bring whatever you have done to him and ask for forgiveness.

Thank God—who has humbled himself before us—for his goodness.

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Linking up with Susan Mead at #DanceWithJesus, Suzie Eller at #liveFree and Dawn Klinge at #GraceandTruth

  • I’ve often pictured myself in the Garden grabbing fruit or hiding in the bushes. You’re right, God wants that close intimate walk with me. Thank you for this beautiful reminder that He is faithfully reaching out in love. Blessings!

  • Rachel,
    What a wonderful reminder this is that, “When we can’t feel God’s warmth, it isn’t punishment.” I think we have all went or will go through times of feeling like God is far away. This can be such a lonely and difficult road. Thank you for digging into the truth and sharing this encouragement.

  • ‘Here am I, here am I.’ All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations. Isaiah 65:2 What a great verse. I don’t think I’ve ever read it.

    • Isaiah 65:2 is one of my favorite verses. My other favorite verse is further down in the same chapter. It says: “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24 When we turn from being obstinate to seeking God he is eager to answer us. We have a wonderful God. Rebecca, on a separate note…did you send me a message about the biblical woman in Athens??! I saw it, but now I can’t find it.

  • Rachel, I love the intimacy of this post, and this great quote, “It began with an intimate relationship with a baby who needed to be cleaned, fed, watched, and cuddled.” Like that wonderful song, “Mary, Did You Know?” it’s so amazing to think she kissed the face of God! But how much more amazing to know and believe that He wraps His loving arms around us every day, and comforts us with a lullaby, singing, “Don’t worry, I’m right here with you, I’ll never leave you or forsake you.” What a savior!

    • Beth, I found the song you mention on YouTube. I do know the song but I had forgotten about it. It gave me chills, it’s so beautiful. We have a wonderful Savior.

  • Simple and Profound. God reaching for us in humble and sacrificial love. Only a lie from the enemy tells us otherwise. Such a powerful truth that has become a powerless cliche. But God is awakening us from our spiritual slumber to speak to us again about His love. Thank you, Rachel, for the beautiful and powerful way in which you wrote this. May the Spirit of God speak powerfully through your words to everyone who read them.
    God bless you.

    (P.S. Your second to last paragraph starting with “Acknowledge” needs some editing, I think?)

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