I have admired Lyli Dunbar’s writing and her passion for prayer for a long time. So, I was thrilled to meet her (virtually) at a conference we both attended this summer. And, equally thrilled to have her share her wisdom today. Be ready to find strength if you feel inadequate for the tasks and trials ahead of you.

Last May, I unexpectedly became a first-time parent to an almost potty trained 3-year-old. I had never purchased a box of diapers in my life, nor could I ever have imagined reading bedtime stories to a toddler at age 52. When friends ask me how I am adjusting, I tell them that I am laughing just like Sarah in the Old Testament.  

Only God. He never ceases surprising me and stretching me out of my comfort zone.

Just two days before this tiny human invaded our quiet home, I had stood in front of 200 women at church and encouraged them to pray for wisdom and trust that the Holy Spirit would empower them in their roles as daughters, wives, mothers, and friends. The confidence I spoke with that evening evaporated as I tried to convince a strong-willed little boy to put on his pajamas.  

God was calling me into a new assignment that would require discernment and strength that I currently lacked. Little boys do not come with an instruction manual, and I had no idea what to do. More than ever, I needed God’s all-sufficient grace to help me. 

Overcome by my inadequacy, I sat in my kitchen and had a good cry. Once I let all the emotions run out, I turned to the only resource on parenting I had at my disposal. I opened my Bible to Ephesians 1, which I had shared with my sisters earlier that week, and I read with fresh eyes: “I pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe Him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead…” (Ephesians 1:19-20, NLT)

Nothing is impossible for our God. The One who conquered death itself would help me through diaper changes.

I don’t know what your God-sized assignment may be, friend. Maybe like me you are on your knees wondering if you have enough strength left to take another step. The road ahead is unclear, and you are fighting against fear and doubt. We may often feel incapable, but we can trust our God is able. He will empower us and enrich our lives as we trust Him and obey.  

Sometimes we are so scared and unsure that we lack the words to pray. We desperately need God to show us which way to go, but we don’t know what to say. Whenever I am facing a situation that is beyond my understanding, I like to turn to the book of Proverbs for guidance. The 31 chapters in the book of wisdom correspond with the days of the month. I prayerfully read whatever chapter matches the number on my calendar with a pen in hand.  

Every morning as my grandson eats his eggs, I open up my Bible on the table and intercede on his behalf. I now have his name written in the margin next to a verse on every page. I will often read the verse out loud and ask Him to repeat after me before I close my eyes and lay hands on his head and cry out to God.  

I turn the proverb into a prayer for God’s protection and providence in my loved one’s life: 

  • Lord, may my loved one listen to You and live in safety without fear of harm. (Proverbs 1:23)
  • Lord, may my loved one walk in the ways of good and keep in the paths of the righteous. (Proverbs 2:20)
  • Lord, may my loved ones trust in You with all their heart and lean not on their own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)

The pages of our Bible are the best prayer book when we are persevering through a trial. When we fix our thoughts on His faithfulness, He fills us with His supernatural peace. 

Come what may, God has promised to give us the spiritual wisdom and insight we need for today. We can trust He will do more than we can ask, think, or imagine as we press forward and pray through impossible situations. If you are facing unforeseen adversity, fall on your knees and keep fighting. God’s unlimited resources will fortify you with the inward strength required to face this day with resolute faith.  

Lyli Dunbar’s burning passion as a writer, speaker and Biblical life coach is to fuel a wildfire faith in the weary hearted. She starts every weekday by digging into the Word verse by verse with thousands of women as a writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries’ First 5 App and Love God Greatly. A fireball at heart, Lyli is energized by singing karaoke in the car with her husband, reading 12 books at a time, and cooking Cuban food for a full house. Stop by lylidunbar.com to grab faith fuel for your day or connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  

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